这篇文章上次修改于 273 天前,可能其部分内容已经发生变化,如有疑问可询问作者。 ### Management 101 管理101 > In respect of the military method, we have, firstly, Measurement; secondly, Estimation of quantity; thirdly, Calculation; fourthly Balancing of chances; fifthly, Victory.—Sun Tzu > 就军事方法而言,一是测量;其次,数量估算;第三,计算;第四,机会的平衡;第五,胜利。——孙子 Why does a book on scalability have a chapter on management? Similar to ouranswer in Chapter 4, Leadership 101, if you can’t direct your teams to the lofty goalsand vision you created as a leader, you are not likely to get to your destination. Recallthat we’ve set an inspirational and vivid description of the ideal future (our vision), ageneral path to get to that vision (our mission), and a number of mileposts along theway (our goals). Along with our behaviors, these provide the “pulling” activity thatwill get us to our scalability objectives. But now, we need to plot the path that willactually get there and to “push” or drive the organization to get there as quickly aspossible. We will undoubtedly stumble across unexpected barriers to our success and,without the action of directing the team to the goal line, we would be relying solelyupon luck and providence to get there. 为什么一本关于可扩展性的书有一个关于管理的章节?与我们在第 4 章“领导力 101”中的答案类似,如果您无法指导您的团队实现您作为领导者所制定的崇高目标和愿景,那么您就不太可能到达目的地。回想一下,我们对理想的未来(我们的愿景)、实现该愿景的一般路径(我们的使命)以及沿途的一些里程碑(我们的目标)设定了鼓舞人心且生动的描述。与我们的行为一起,这些提供了“拉动”活动,使我们能够实现可扩展性目标。但现在,我们需要规划出真正实现这一目标的路径,并“推动”或推动组织尽快实现这一目标。毫无疑问,我们会遇到意想不到的成功障碍,如果没有引导球队到达球门线的行动,我们将只能依靠运气和天意才能到达那里。 A team without management focused on achieving specific objectives is a teamwithout direction. A team without direction is dilutive to shareholder value. And aswe’ve stated throughout this book thus far, our jobs are to maximize—not destroy—shareholder value. In this chapter, we will give our definition of management anddefine some elements and characteristics of great managers. From there, we willmove on to describe the need for focusing on and continually improving and upgrading one’s team, and to provide a conceptual framework to accomplish that task. We’llthen move to a description of the importance of measurements and metrics withinmanagement and provide a tool for your consideration to tie metrics to the creationof shareholder wealth (the ultimate metric). We end this chapter with the need formanagement to remove obstacles for teams so that they can reach their objectives. 一个没有专注于实现特定目标的管理的团队是一个没有方向的团队。没有方向的团队会稀释股东价值。正如我们迄今为止在本书中所说的那样,我们的工作是最大化而不是破坏股东价值。在本章中,我们将给出管理的定义,并定义优秀管理者的一些要素和特征。从这里开始,我们将继续描述关注并不断改进和升级团队的必要性,并提供一个概念框架来完成该任务。然后,我们将描述管理中测量和指标的重要性,并提供一个工具供您考虑将指标与股东财富的创造(最终指标)联系起来。我们以管理层需要消除团队的障碍来结束本章,以便他们能够实现目标。 #### What Is Management? 什么是管理? Merriam-Webster defines management as “the conducting or supervising of something” and as the “judicious use of means to accomplish an end.” We’ll make aminor modification to this and add ethics to the mix ending with “the judicious andethical use of means to accomplish an end.” Why ethics? Today, more than ever, weneed managers and actions that show concern for the wealth of the shareholders ofour companies. How can ethics negatively influence scalability? When intellectualproperty is pirated, licenses for third-party products duped, or erroneous public andprivate statements about the scalability of a platform made, ethics are involved. Ethics play a role in how we treat our people, how we incent them, and how we accomplish our mission. If we tell an under-performer that he is performing acceptablework, we are not behaving ethically; we are both cheating the shareholders by notgiving critical performance related feedback to someone who needs it and cheatingthe employee because he deserves to know how he is performing. The way in which amission is accomplished is every bit as important as the actual accomplishment ofthat mission. 《韦氏词典》将管理定义为“对某事的进行或监督”以及“明智地使用手段来实现目标”。我们将对此进行细微修改,并在其中添加道德,以“明智且合乎道德地使用手段来实现目的”结尾。为什么要道德?今天,我们比以往任何时候都更需要关心公司股东财富的管理者和行动。道德如何对可扩展性产生负面影响?当知识产权被盗版、第三方产品的许可证被欺骗、或者对平台的可扩展性做出错误的公开和私人声明时,就会涉及道德问题。道德在我们如何对待员工、如何激励他们以及如何完成使命方面发挥着重要作用。如果我们告诉表现不佳的员工,他的工作表现可以接受,那么我们的行为就不符合道德规范;我们既欺骗了股东,又没有向需要的人提供与绩效相关的关键反馈,也欺骗了员工,因为他应该知道自己的表现如何。完成任务的方式与实际完成任务同样重要。 As we’ve previously stated, management and leadership differ in many ways, butboth are important. If leadership is a promise, management is action. If leadership isa destination, management is the directions. If leadership is inspiration, managementis motivation. If leadership is a painting, management is the brush. Leadership is thepulling activities and management the pushing activities. Both are necessary to besuccessful in maximizing shareholder wealth. 正如我们之前所说,管理和领导力在很多方面都有所不同,但两者都很重要。如果说领导是承诺,那么管理就是行动。如果说领导是目的地,那么管理就是方向。如果说领导是灵感,那么管理就是动力。如果说领导是一幅画,那么管理就是画笔。领导是拉动活动,管理是推动活动。两者对于成功实现股东财富最大化都是必要的。 Management includes the activities of measuring, goal evaluation, and metric creation. It also includes the personnel responsibilities of staffing, personnel evaluation,and team construction (including skills, etc.). Finally, management includes all theactivities one might typically consider “project management” including driving theteam to work completion, aggressive dates, and so on. 管理包括测量、目标评估和指标创建等活动。还包括人员配备、人员考核、队伍建设(包括技能等)的人员职责。最后,管理包括人们通常认为的“项目管理”的所有活动,包括推动团队完成工作、积极的日期等等。 ##### What Makes a Good Manager? 是什么造就了一名优秀的经理? Leadership and management are so significantly different that it is rare to find someone reallygood at both disciplines. The people who are good at both were likely good at one and workedat becoming good at both. As with leadership, the ability to manage projects, people, and organizations to a series of goals is truly a function of multiple criteria. Some variables within thisfunction are similar to those of the leadership function. Having a great personality, for instance,is useful, as it can help influence individuals and organizations to get tasks done. 领导力和管理有如此显着的不同,以至于很难找到真正擅长这两个学科的人。擅长这两方面的人很可能擅长其中一项,并努力在两方面都擅长。与领导力一样,管理项目、人员和组织以实现一系列目标的能力确实是多种标准的函数。该函数中的一些变量与领导函数中的变量类似。例如,拥有良好的个性是有用的,因为它可以帮助影响个人和组织完成任务。 But many things that make truly great managers have little to do with the leadership equation. The best managers have an eye for detail and are incredibly task and goal oriented. The best managers are the ones that, upon given a task or goal, immediately start to break downthat task or goal into everything that needs to happen for it to be successful. This activity consists of so much more than just the actions; it includes the communication, organizationalstructure and compensation, logistics, and capital to be successful. Very often, this detail orientation is at odds with the innovative qualities that allow people to generate compelling visions.Again, people can adjust themselves to do both, but it takes effort and time. 但造就真正伟大管理者的许多因素与领导力方程式关系不大。最好的管理者注重细节,并且以任务和目标为导向。最好的管理者是那些在接到任务或目标后立即开始将该任务或目标分解为成功所需发生的一切的人。这项活动不仅仅包括行动;还包括其他内容。它包括沟通、组织结构和薪酬、后勤以及成功所需的资本。很多时候,这种细节导向与让人们产生引人注目的愿景的创新品质相矛盾。同样,人们可以调整自己来做到这两点,但这需要努力和时间。 Great managers also develop a variety of people interaction skills that help them get themost out of the people within their organizations. The very best of these managers don’tdescribe themselves as having a specific “style” but rather understand that they might need toemploy any number of approaches to motivate certain individuals. Some people respond bestto terse descriptions and matter-of-fact approaches, whereas others prefer a bit of nurturingand emotional support. Some people need a task master and still others a den mother. 优秀的管理者还会培养各种人际交往技能,帮助他们充分发挥组织内员工的作用。这些管理者中最优秀的人并不将自己描述为具有特定的“风格”,而是明白他们可能需要采用多种方法来激励某些个人。有些人对简洁的描述和实事求是的方法反应最好,而另一些人则更喜欢一点培育和情感支持。有些人需要一个任务主管,还有一些人需要一个巢穴妈妈。 Finally, the very best managers recognize the need for continual improvement and realizethat the only way to improve things is to measure them. “Measurement, measurement, measurement” is the phrase by which they live. They measure the availability of their systems, theoutput of their organizations, and the efficiency of everything. 最后,最优秀的管理者认识到持续改进的必要性,并认识到改进事物的唯一方法就是衡量它们。 “测量、测量、测量”是他们赖以生存的短语。他们衡量系统的可用性、组织的产出以及一切的效率。 #### Project and Task Management 项目和任务管理 Good managers get projects done on time, on budget, and meet the expectations ofshareholder value creation in the completion of their projects. Great managers do thesame thing even in the face of adversity. Both accomplish those tasks based on adecomposition of goals into the component parts necessary to accomplish thosegoals. They then enlist the appropriate help both within and outside of the organization and measure progress along the path to goal accomplishment. Although this isn’ta book on project management, and we will not be going into great detail on how toeffectively manage scale projects, it is important to understand the necessary actionsin those projects to be successful. 优秀的管理者能够按时、按预算完成项目,并在完成项目时满足股东创造价值的期望。即使面对逆境,伟大的管理者也会做同样的事情。两者都是基于将目标分解为实现这些目标所需的组成部分来完成这些任务的。然后,他们在组织内部和外部寻求适当的帮助,并衡量实现目标的过程中的进展。尽管这不是一本关于项目管理的书,我们也不会详细介绍如何有效地管理规模项目,但了解这些项目中取得成功所需的行动非常重要。 Tom Harde is the operations and infrastructure director within AllScale, andJohnny Fixer has given him the goal of reducing scalability related downtime incidents to no more than 57 minutes in a month. Tom decides that some componenttasks of this goal are to identify the root causes of incidents, categorize them, determine the cost and time to fix each, and implement a solution. Initially, he believesthere is a finish-to-start relationship between the identification of the incidents andall other activities, meaning that he must identify the incidents to categorize all ofthem, assign times and costs, and implement solutions. As Tom thinks more deeplyabout the problem though, he realizes that he could identify a series of issues withouttruly completing this step and move immediately to solution implementation. Given that he thinks he needs to identify something within two weeks to be able to affect achange in the first month, Tom decides to spend no more time than one calendarweek trying to identify the largest causes of issues, and he will further focus on thosethat have happened just within the last two months. Tom Harde 是 AllScale 的运营和基础设施总监,Johnny Fixer 给他设定的目标是将与可扩展性相关的停机事件减少到每月不超过 57 分钟。 Tom 决定该目标的一些组成任务是确定事件的根本原因,对它们进行分类,确定修复每个事件的成本和时间,并实施解决方案。最初,他认为事件识别与所有其他活动之间存在从完成到开始的关系,这意味着他必须识别事件以对所有事件进行分类、分配时间和成本并实施解决方案。然而,当汤姆更深入地思考这个问题时,他意识到他可以在没有真正完成此步骤的情况下识别一系列问题,并立即转向解决方案实施。鉴于他认为他需要在两周内确定一些事情才能在第一个月内影响变革,汤姆决定花费不超过一个日历周的时间来尝试确定问题的最大原因,并且他将进一步关注那些已经发生变化的问题。就发生在最近两个月内。 Tom organizes his team and employs RASCI to ensure that everyone has clearlydefined goals and objectives. One team consists of the folks responsible for loggingand tracking all incidents within the product, and Tom assigns them the tasks ofidentifying issues from the last two months. Tom works closely with them, monitoring their progress daily so that he can identify any quick hits that can be pulled outand immediately worked. Within two days, Tom and the team identify one such candidate, the constant restarting of a group of application servers that are negativelyimpacting the company’s ability to process all requests during peak demand. Leavingthe team to continue to focus on the categorization of the remainder of incidents forfuture work, Tom moves on to work on this issue. Tom 组织他的团队并采用 RASCI 来确保每个人都有明确的目标和目标。一个团队由负责记录和跟踪产品内所有事件的人员组成,Tom 为他们分配了识别过去两个月的问题的任务。汤姆与他们密切合作,每天监控他们的进度,以便他能够发现任何可以拉出并立即发挥作用的快速成功。两天之内,Tom 和团队就确定了一个这样的候选者,即一组应用程序服务器的不断重新启动,这对公司在高峰需求期间处理所有请求的能力产生了负面影响。让团队继续专注于对未来工作的剩余事件进行分类,Tom 继续解决这个问题。 Tom quickly realizes that the fix for this solution will require more than just thesystems administrators, operators, network engineers, and database administratorsunder Tom’s direct control, and asks Johnny Fixer for assistance. Tom presents hisbusiness case, showing that he can shave about eight minutes of downtime a monthoff with some configuration changes that will allow more database communicationthreads to be opened during peak demand. Tom believes the changes could be madewithin a week or so with the right focus, and Johnny assigns Tom an architect andtwo engineers to focus on this for the next two weeks. Tom 很快意识到,修复此解决方案需要的不仅仅是 Tom 直接控制下的系统管理员、操作员、网络工程师和数据库管理员,因此向 Johnny Fixer 寻求帮助。 Tom 介绍了他的业务案例,表明通过一些配置更改,他可以每月减少大约八分钟的停机时间,这些更改将允许在高峰需求期间打开更多数据库通信线程。汤姆认为,如果重点正确,可以在一周左右的时间内做出改变,约翰尼指派一名建筑师和两名工程师在接下来的两周内专注于此。 Working with the architect and engineers, Tom develops three potential solutionsfor solving the restarts, two of which he would not have developed on his own. Thesimplest approach appears to be to rate limit the requests within the applicationrather than queuing those requests internally. This will require additional applicationservers to be deployed, but with a slight increase in capital and a small modificationto code, a significant downtime savings can be realized. Tom creates a project planwith responsibilities for deploying infrastructure assets, making code changes, andtesting all the changes together with daily milestones given the need for speed on thisproject. Tom also decides to have a daily project status meeting to track the project tocompletion. Additionally, Tom creates daily management meeting notes that includethe desired end state of the project, current status, and risks to completion. 汤姆与建筑师和工程师合作,开发了三种可能的解决方案来解决重启问题,其中两种是他自己无法开发的。最简单的方法似乎是对应用程序内的请求进行速率限制,而不是在内部对这些请求进行排队。这将需要部署额外的应用程序服务器,但只需稍微增加资本和对代码进行少量修改,就可以显着节省停机时间。鉴于项目速度的需要,Tom 创建了一个项目计划,负责部署基础设施资产、进行代码更改以及测试所有更改以及每日里程碑。汤姆还决定每天召开一次项目状态会议来跟踪项目的完成情况。此外,Tom 创建每日管理会议记录,其中包括项目所需的最终状态、当前状态和完成风险。 As small issues arise that need immediate resolution, they are either raised in theproject status meeting or handled immediately on an exception basis. Tom communicates daily with Johnny so that Johnny can help Tom resolve any major roadblocks.Here, we’ve attempted to show you, through a story, how management is a veryactive discipline. The decomposition of goals into tasks, the active management ofthose tasks, the measurement of completion of those tasks, and the communicationof progress are all necessary to successfully manage a project to completion. 当出现需要立即解决的小问题时,它们要么在项目状态会议上提出,要么在例外情况下立即处理。汤姆每天与约翰尼沟通,以便约翰尼可以帮助汤姆解决任何重大障碍。在这里,我们试图通过一个故事向您展示管理如何是一门非常活跃的学科。将目标分解为任务、对这些任务进行主动管理、对这些任务的完成情况进行衡量以及进展情况的沟通对于成功管理项目直至完成都是必要的。 #### Building Teams—A Sports Analogy 建立团队——体育类比 Professional football team coaches and management know that having the right teamto accomplish the mission is critical to reaching the Super Bowl in any given season.Furthermore, they understand that the right team today might not be the right teamfor next season; rookie players enter the sport stronger and faster than ever before;offensive strategies and needs change; injuries plague certain players; and salary capscreate downward pressure on the total value of talent that can exist within any teamin any year. 职业橄榄球队教练和管理层知道,拥有合适的球队来完成任务对于在任何特定赛季进入超级碗至关重要。此外,他们明白今天的合适的球队可能不是下赛季的合适的球队;新秀球员比以往任何时候都更强大、更快地进入这项运动;进攻策略和需求发生变化;伤病困扰着某些球员;工资上限对任何一年中任何团队中可能存在的人才总价值造成了下行压力。 Managing team skill sets and skill levels in professional sports is a constant jobrequiring the upgrading of talent, moving personnel to different positions, management of depth and bench strength, selection of team captains, recruiting new talent,and coaching individual high performance players. 管理职业体育团队的技能组合和技能水平是一项持续不断的工作,需要人才升级、人员调动、深度和板凳力量管理、队长选拔、招募新人才以及指导个人高水平球员。 Imagine a coach or general manager faced with the difficult task of needing tobring in a new player at a high salary to fill a specific weakness in his team. Thatcoach is likely already at or near the team’s salary cap. The choices are to remove anexisting player, renegotiate one or more players’ salaries to make room for the newplayer’s salary, or not hire the necessary player into the critical position. What do youthink would happen to the coach who decides to take no action and not hire the newplayer? If his owners find out, they would likely remove him and if they didn’t findout sooner or later, the team would atrophy and consistently turn out substandardseasons resulting in lower ticket sales and unhappy shareholders (owners). 想象一下,一位教练或总经理面临着一项艰巨的任务,需要以高薪引进一名新球员来填补球队的特定弱点。那位教练很可能已经达到或接近球队的工资帽。选择是删除现有球员,重新谈判一名或多名球员的薪水,为新球员的薪水腾出空间,或者不雇用必要的球员担任关键职位。如果教练决定不采取任何行动,也不雇用新球员,你认为会发生什么?如果他的老板发现了,他们很可能会解雇他,如果他们迟早不发现,球队就会萎缩,并持续产生不合格的赛季,导致门票销量下降和股东(老板)不满。 Our jobs as managers and executives are really no different than the jobs of thecoaches of professional football teams. Our salary caps are the budgets that aredeveloped by the executive management team and are reviewed and approved by ourboards of directors. In order to ensure that we are cost effectively doing our jobs withthe highest possible throughput and an appropriate level of quality, we too must constantly look for the best talent available at a price that we can afford. Yet most of usdon’t actively manage the skills, people, and composition of our teams, which in turnmeans that we aren’t doing the right thing for our company and our shareholders.Scalability in professional sports means scaling the output of individuals; professional football, for instance, will not allow you to add a twelfth player. In your organization, scaling individuals might mean the same thing. The output of yourorganization is dependent both on the output of any individual as well as the size ofyour team. Efficiency in output, another component of scale (or at least scaling costeffectively), is a measurement of getting more for the same amount of money or (better yet) more for less money. Scaling with people then is a function both of the individual people, the number of people, and the organization of people. 我们作为经理和高管的工作实际上与职业足球队教练的工作没有什么不同。我们的工资上限是由执行管理团队制定并经董事会审查和批准的预算。为了确保我们以尽可能高的吞吐量和适当的质量水平以成本效益的方式完成我们的工作,我们也必须不断以我们能承受的价格寻找最优秀的人才。然而,我们大多数人并没有积极管理团队的技能、人员和组成,这反过来意味着我们没有为公司和股东做正确的事情。职业体育的可扩展性意味着扩大个人的产出;例如,职业足球不允许您添加第十二名球员。在您的组织中,扩大个人规模可能意味着同样的事情。组织的产出取决于个人的产出以及团队的规模。产出效率是规模的另一个组成部分(或者至少是成本有效地扩大规模),是衡量用同样的钱获得更多的东西,或者(更好)用更少的钱获得更多的东西。那么,人员规模化是个人、人员数量和人员组织的功能。 Now think about a coach who refused to spend time improving his players. Canyou imagine such a coach keeping her job? Similarly, can you imagine walking intoptg599418594 CHAPTER 5MANAGEMENT 101your next board of directors meeting and stating that part of your job is not to growand maintain the best team possible? Think about that last point for a minute. In ourlast chapter on leadership, we made the case that everything you do needs to befocused on shareholder value creation. Here, we have just identified a test to help youknow when you are not creating shareholder value. For any major action that youmake, would you go in and present it to the board of directors as something thatmust be done? Remember that a decision to not do something is the same as decidingto do something. Further, ignoring something that should be done is a decision not todo it. If you have not spent time with the members of your team for weeks on end,you have decided not to spend time with them and that is absolutely inexcusable andnot something that you would likely feel comfortable discussing with your board ofdirectors. 现在想想一位拒绝花时间提高球员的教练。你能想象这样的教练保住工作吗?同样,你能想象一下,你在参加下一次董事会会议时,会说你的部分工作不是培养和维持最好的团队吗?思考一下最后一点。在关于领导力的上一章中,我们认为你所做的一切都需要关注股东价值的创造。在这里,我们刚刚确定了一项测试,可以帮助您了解您何时没有创造股东价值。对于你采取的任何重大行动,你会进去并将其作为必须要做的事情提交给董事会吗?请记住,决定不做某事与决定做某事是一样的。此外,忽略应该做的事情就是决定不做它。如果你连续几周没有花时间与团队成员在一起,那么你就决定不花时间与他们在一起,这绝对是不可原谅的,而且你可能不愿意与董事会讨论。 The parallels in professional sports to the responsibilities of team building for corporate executives are clear but all too commonly ignored. To get our jobs done, wemust have the best talent (the best people) possible for our board authorized budgets.We must constantly evaluate and coach our team to ensure that each member is adding value appropriate to his level of compensation, find new and higher performingtalent, and coach the great talent that we have to even higher levels of performance. 职业体育运动与企业高管团队建设责任的相似之处是显而易见的,但往往被忽视。为了完成我们的工作,我们必须在董事会批准的预算范围内拥有最优秀的人才(最优秀的人才)。我们必须不断评估和指导我们的团队,以确保每个成员都能增加适合其薪酬水平的价值,找到新的和更高的职位表演人才,并指导我们拥有的优秀人才达到更高水平的表现。 #### Upgrading Teams—A Garden Analogy 升级团队——花园比喻 Even a novice gardener knows that gardening is about more than just raking somesoil, throwing some seeds, and praying for rain. Unfortunately, if you are like mostmanagers, rake, throw, and pray is probably exactly what you do with your team.Our team is a garden and our garden expects more of us than having manure spreadupon it at times convenient to us. As importantly, the scalability of our organizationas we described in our last metaphor is largely tied to how great our talent is on a perperson basis and how consistent their behaviors are with our corporate culture. 即使是新手园丁也知道,园艺不仅仅是耙土、撒些种子和祈雨那么简单。不幸的是,如果你像大多数经理一样,耙、扔和祈祷可能正是你对你的团队所做的事情。我们的团队是一个花园,我们的花园对我们的期望不仅仅是在我们方便的时候在上面撒粪。同样重要的是,正如我们在上一个比喻中所描述的那样,我们组织的可扩展性在很大程度上取决于我们的人才的个人水平以及他们的行为与我们的企业文化的一致性。 Gardens should be designed and so should our teams. Designing our teams meansfinding the right talent that matches the needs of our vision and mission. Beforeplanting our garden or inserting new seeds or seedlings in our garden, we evaluatehow the different plants and flowers will interact. We should do the same with ourteams. Will certain team members steal too many nutrients? Will the soil (our culture) properly support their needs? Should the garden be full of only bright and brilliant flowers or will it be more pleasing with robust and healthy foliage to supportthe flowers? 花园应该被设计,我们的团队也应该被设计。设计我们的团队意味着寻找符合我们愿景和使命需求的合适人才。在种植我们的花园或在花园中插入新的种子或幼苗之前,我们会评估不同的植物和花卉如何相互作用。我们应该对我们的团队做同样的事情。某些团队成员会窃取过多的营养吗?土壤(我们的文化)能够适当地满足他们的需求吗?花园里应该只开满鲜艳夺目的花朵,还是用健壮健康的叶子来支撑花朵会更令人愉悦? Managers in hyper-growth companies often spend a lot of time interviewing andselecting candidates but usually not much time on a per candidate basis. Worst still,these managers often don’t take the time to determine where they’ve gone wrongptg5994185UPGRADING TEAMS—A GARDEN ANALOGY 95with past hiring decisions and what they’ve done well in certain decisions. Findingthe right individual for your job requires paying attention to and correcting your pastfailures and repeating your past hiring successes. We might interview for skills butoverlook critical items like cultural or team fit. Why have you had to remove people?Why have people decided to leave? 高速增长公司的经理经常花费大量时间面试和选择候选人,但通常不会花太多时间在每个候选人的基础上。最糟糕的是,这些经理通常不会花时间来确定他们哪里出了问题ptg5994185升级团队——花园类比95过去的招聘决策以及他们在某些决策中做得好的地方。为您的工作找到合适的人选需要关注并纠正您过去的失败,并重复您过去的招聘成功经验。我们可能会面试技能,但会忽略文化或团队契合度等关键项目。为什么你必须解雇人员?为什么人们决定离开? Candidate selection also requires paying attention to the needs of the organizationfrom a productivity and quality perspective. Do you really need another engineer orproduct manager, or do your pipeline inefficiencies indicate additional process definition needs, tools engineers, or quality assurance personnel? 候选人选择还需要从生产力和质量的角度关注组织的需求。您是否真的需要另一名工程师或产品经理,或者您的流程效率低下是否表明需要额外的流程定义、工具工程师或质量保证人员? Too often, we try to make hiring decisions after we’ve spent 30 to 60 minutes witha candidate. We encourage you to spend as much time as possible with the candidateand try to make a good hire the first time. Seek help in interviewing by adding peoplewhom you trust and who have great interviewing skills to your interview team. Callprevious managers and peers and be mindful to ask and prod for weaknesses of individuals in your background checks. Pay attention to more than just the skills anddetermine whether you and your team will like spending a lot of time with the individual. Interview the person to make certain that she will be a fit with your culturesand that her behaviors are consistent with the behavioral expectations of the company. 很多时候,我们会在与候选人交谈 30 到 60 分钟后才做出聘用决定。我们鼓励您花尽可能多的时间与候选人相处,并尝试在第一次就获得良好的聘用。通过将您信任且具有出色面试技巧的人添加到您的面试团队中来寻求面试帮助。给以前的经理和同事打电话,在背景调查中注意询问和督促个人的弱点。不仅仅关注技能,还要确定您和您的团队是否愿意花大量时间与个人相处。与此人面谈,确保她适合您的文化,并且她的行为符合公司的行为期望。 #### The Cultural Interview 文化访谈 One of the most commonly overlooked components of any interview is interviewing a candidateto ensure that he is a cultural and behavioral fit for your company. We recommend picking up abook or taking a class on behavioral interviewing, but here are some things that you can do inyour next interview to find the right cultural and behavior fit for your company: 任何面试中最常被忽视的部分之一是面试候选人,以确保他的文化和行为适合您的公司。我们建议您拿起一本有关行为面试的书或参加一门课程,但您可以在下次面试中执行以下操作,以找到适合您公司的文化和行为 * Make a list of your company’s beliefs regarding people. They may be on the back of youridentification badge or on your intranet. Identify questions around these beliefs and distribute them to interview members. * Identify interviewers who are both high performers within your team and a good matchwith the cultures, beliefs, and behaviors of your company (or the behaviors to which yourcompany aspires). * Gather after the interview and discuss the responses to the questions and the feelings ofthe team. * 列出贵公司对人的信念。它们可能位于您的身份证背面或您的内部网上。确定围绕这些信念的问题并将其分发给访谈成员。 * 确定面试官,他们既是您团队中的高绩效者,又与您公司的文化、信仰和行为(或您公司所追求的行为)非常匹配。 * 面试后聚集在一起,讨论对问题的回答以及团队的感受。 It is as important to make the right cultural hire as it is to hire the right talent and experience.Can you spend 9 to 12 hours a day with this person? Can the team do the same? Can youlearn from him? Will the candidate allow the team to teach him? 聘用合适的文化人员与聘用合适的人才和经验同样重要。您每天能花 9 到 12 个小时与此人相处吗?团队可以做同样的事情吗?你能向他学习吗?候选人会允许团队教他吗? Feeding your garden means spending time growing your team. Of all the practicesin tending to your team, this is the one that is most often overlooked for lack of time.We might spend time picking new flowers (though not enough on a per flower basis),but we often forget about the existing flowers needing nourishment within our garden. 养活你的花园意味着花时间培养你的团队。在照料团队的所有实践中,这是最常因缺乏时间而被忽视的一种。我们可能会花时间采摘新花(尽管在每朵花的基础上不够),但我们经常忘记需要的现有花我们花园里的营养。 The intent of feeding is to help grow the members of your team who are producingto the expectations of your shareholders. Feeding consists of coaching, praising, correcting technique or approach, adjusting compensation and equity, and anything elsethat creates a stronger and more productive employee. 喂养的目的是帮助团队成员成长,让他们的产出达到股东的期望。喂养包括指导、表扬、纠正技术或方法、调整薪酬和公平,以及任何其他能够培养更强大、更有生产力的员工的事情。 Feeding your garden also means taking individuals who might not be performingwell in one position and putting them into positions where they can perform well.However, if you find yourself moving an employee more than once, it is likely thatyou are avoiding the appropriate action of weeding. 养活你的花园还意味着将那些可能在某个职位上表现不佳的人安排到他们能够表现良好的职位上。但是,如果您发现自己多次调动一名员工,则很可能您正在避免采取适当的除草行动。 。 Finally, feeding your garden means raising the bar on the team overall and helpingemployees achieve greater levels of success. Great teams enjoy aggressive but achievable challenges, and it is your job as a manager to challenge them to be the best theycan be. 最后,养活你的花园意味着提高团队的整体水平并帮助员工取得更大的成功。伟大的团队喜欢积极但可以实现的挑战,作为经理,你的工作就是挑战他们做到最好。 Although you should invest as much as possible in seeding and feeding, we allknow that underperforming and nonperforming individuals choke team productivityjust as surely as weeds steal vital nutrients from the flowers within your garden. Thenutrients in this case are the time that you spend attempting to coach underperforming individuals to an acceptable performance level and the time your team spendscompensating for an underperforming individual’s poor results. Weeding our gardensis often the most painful activity for most managers and executives, and as a result itis often the one to which we tend last. 尽管您应该在播种和喂养方面投入尽可能多的资金,但我们都知道,表现不佳和表现不佳的个人会阻碍团队的生产力,就像杂草会从花园里的花朵中窃取重要的营养一样。在这种情况下,营养是指你花在尝试指导表现不佳的个人达到可接受的表现水平上的时间,以及你的团队花在补偿表现不佳的个人的糟糕结果上的时间。对于大多数经理和高管来说,除草往往是最痛苦的活动,因此,这往往是我们最后才做的一项活动。 Although you must abide by your company’s practices regarding the removal ofpeople who are not performing (these practices vary not only by country but by stateas well), it is vital that you find ways to quickly remove personnel who are keepingyou and the rest of your team from achieving your objectives. The sooner you removethem, the sooner you can find an appropriate replacement and get your team where itneeds to be. 尽管您必须遵守公司关于解雇表现不佳人员的做法(这些做法不仅因国家/地区而异,而且因州而异),但至关重要的是,您必须找到快速解雇那些留住您和团队其他成员的人员的方法从实现你的目标。越早移除他们,你就能越早找到合适的替代者并让你的团队到达需要的位置。 When considering performance as a reason for termination, one should alwaysinclude an evaluation of the person’s behaviors. It is possible to have an individualwithin an organization who creates more and gets more done than any other teammember, but whose actions and behaviors bring the total output of the team down.This is typically pretty obvious in the case of an employee creating a hostile workenvironment, but it can also be the case for an employee who simply does not workwell with others. For instance, you might have an employee who gets a lot done, butdoes so in a manner that absolutely no one wants to work with him. The result mightbe that you spend a great deal of time soothing hurt feelings or finding out how toassign the employee work that does not require teamwork. If the employee’s actions are such that she limits the output of the team, that limitation is by definition a scalelimitation and one upon which you should immediately act. 当将绩效视为解雇的原因时,应始终包括对该人的行为的评估。组织中可能有一个人比任何其他团队成员创造更多、完成更多工作,但他的行动和行为却降低了团队的总产出。在员工营造敌对工作环境的情况下,这种情况通常非常明显,但对于无法与他人合作的员工来说也可能是这种情况。例如,您可能有一位员工完成了很多工作,但绝对没有人愿意与他一起工作。结果可能是您花费大量时间来舒缓受伤的情绪或找出如何分配不需要团队合作的员工工作。如果员工的行为限制了团队的产出,那么根据定义,这种限制就是一种规模限制,你应该立即采取行动。 We’ve found that it’s often useful to use the concept of a two-dimensional axiswith defined actions such as in Figure 5. 1. The x-axis here is the behavior of theemployee and the y-axis is the employee’s performance. Many employee reviews,when done properly, identify the actions on the y-axis. But many such reviews do notconsider the impact of the behavioral x-axis. The idea here is that the employees youwant to keep are in the upper-right portion of our graph. Those that should be immediately “weeded” are in the bottom-left portion of the graph. You should coach thoseindividuals in the upper-left and lower-right portion of the graph, but be prepared toweed them should they not respond to coaching. And of course, you want all of yourseeds or new employees to be targeted in the upper-right portion of the graph. 我们发现使用二维轴的概念和定义的动作通常很有用,如图 5. 1 所示。这里的 x 轴是员工的行为,y 轴是员工的绩效。许多员工审核如果做得正确,可以识别 y 轴上的操作。但许多此类评论并未考虑行为 X 轴的影响。这里的想法是,您想要保留的员工位于图表的右上部分。那些应该立即“除草”的部分位于图表的左下部分。您应该对图表左上和右下部分的那些人进行指导,但如果他们对指导没有反应,请准备好将他们剔除。当然,您希望所有种子或新员工都成为图表右上部分的目标。 One thing that we have learned over time is that you will always wish you hadacted earlier in removing underperformers. There are a number of reasons why youjust can’t act quickly enough, including company travel, competing requests, meetings, and so on. You shouldn’t waste time agonizing over whether you are acting tooquickly—that never happens. You will always wish you had acted even sooner whenyou have completed the termination. 随着时间的推移,我们了解到的一件事是,你总是希望自己早点采取行动,剔除表现不佳的员工。您无法迅速采取行动的原因有很多,包括公司出差、竞争性请求、会议等。你不应该浪费时间去思考自己是否行动得太快——这种情况永远不会发生。当您完成终止协议时,您总是希望自己能够更早采取行动。  #### Seed, Feed, and Weed to Succeed 种子、饲料和杂草才能成功 To continually upgrade or improve our team’s performance, we need to perpetually performthree individual activities: 为了不断提升或提高我们团队的绩效,我们需要不断地执行三项单独的活动 * Seeding is the addition of new and better talent to our organization. * Feeding is the development of the people within our organization we want to retain. * Weeding is the removal of underperforming individuals within our organization. * 播种是指为我们的组织添加新的、更优秀的人才。 * 培养是我们组织内我们想要留住的人员的发展。 * 除草是指清除我们组织内表现不佳的个人。 As managers, we often spend too little time interviewing and selecting our new employees,too little time developing and coaching our high performing employees, and act too late toremove employees who do not display behaviors consistent with our culture or have the driveand motivation to create shareholder wealth. 作为管理者,我们常常花在面试和选拔新员工上的时间太少,花在培养和指导高绩效员工上的时间太少,而且在解雇那些行为不符合我们文化或有创造股东动力和动机的员工方面行动得太晚。财富。 #### Measurement, Metrics, and Goal Evaluation 测量、指标和目标评估 We’re not certain who first said it, but one of our favorite sayings is “You can’timprove that which you do not measure.” Amazingly, we’ve found ourselves in anumber of arguments regarding this statement. These arguments range from “Measurement is too expensive” to “I know intuitively whether I’ve improved something.”You can get away with both of these statements if you are the only shareholder of yourcompany, though we would still argue that your results are going to be suboptimal. Ifyou happen to be a manager in a company with external shareholders, however, youmust be able to prove that you are creating shareholder value, and the only way to dothat is with data. Data in return requires measurements in order to be produced. 我们不确定是谁第一个说的,但我们最喜欢的一句话是“你无法改进你不衡量的东西”。令人惊讶的是,我们发现自己陷入了关于这一声明的许多争论中。这些论点的范围从“测量成本太高”到“我凭直觉知道我是否改进了某些东西。”如果您是公司的唯一股东,您可以摆脱这两种说法,尽管我们仍然认为您的结果是将会是次优的。然而,如果你碰巧是一家拥有外部股东的公司的经理,你必须能够证明你正在创造股东价值,而做到这一点的唯一方法就是使用数据。返回的数据需要测量才能产生。 We believe in creating cultures that support measurement of nearly everything thatis related to the creation of shareholder value. With respect to scale, however, webelieve in bundling our measurements thematically. The themes we most often recommend for scale related purposes are cost, availability and response times, engineering productivity and efficiency, and quality. 我们相信创造支持衡量与股东价值创造相关的几乎所有事物的文化。然而,就规模而言,我们相信将我们的测量按主题捆绑在一起。对于与规模相关的目的,我们最常推荐的主题是成本、可用性和响应时间、工程生产力和效率以及质量。 As we’ve previously indicated, cost has a direct impact to the scalability of yourplatform. You undoubtedly are either given or have helped develop a budget for thecompany’s engineering initiatives. A portion of that budget in a growth company ideally is dedicated to the scalability of your platform or services. This alone is an interesting value to measure over time as we would expect that good managers will beable to reduce the cost of scaling their platforms over time. Let’s assume that youinherit a platform with scalability problems that manifest themselves as availabilityissues. You might decide that you need to spend 30% to 50% of your engineeringtime and a significant amount of capital to fix a majority of these issues in the firsttwo to 24 months of your job. However, something is wrong if you can’t slowly startgiving more time back to the business for business initiatives (customer features) overtime. We recommend measuring the cost of scale as both a percentage of total engineering spending and as a cost per transaction. 正如我们之前指出的,成本对平台的可扩展性有直接影响。毫无疑问,您要么已获得或已帮助制定了公司工程计划的预算。成长型公司的预算的一部分最好专门用于平台或服务的可扩展性。随着时间的推移,这本身就是一个有趣的衡量价值,因为我们期望优秀的管理者能够随着时间的推移降低扩展平台的成本。假设您继承的平台存在可扩展性问题,这些问题表现为可用性问题。您可能会决定需要花费 30% 到 50% 的工程时间和大量资金来在工作的前 2 到 24 个月内解决大部分这些问题。但是,如果您不能慢慢地开始为业务计划(客户功能)加班提供更多时间,那么就出现了问题。我们建议以总工程支出的百分比和每笔交易的成本来衡量规模成本。 Cost of scale as a percentage of engineering time should go down over time. But it’seasy to “game” this number. If in year 1 you have a team of 20 engineers and dedicate10 to scalability initiatives, you are spending 50% of your engineering headcountrelated budget on scalability. If in year 2 you hire 10 more engineers but still only dedicate the original 10 to scale, you are now spending only 33% of your budget. Although itwould appear that you’ve reduced the cost of scale, you’ve really kept it constant, whichcould argue for measuring and reporting on the relative and absolute cost of scale. 规模成本占工程时间的百分比应该随着时间的推移而下降。但“玩弄”这个数字很容易。如果在第一年,您有一个由 20 名工程师组成的团队,并专门致力于可扩展性计划,那么您将把 50% 的工程人员相关预算用于可扩展性。如果在第 2 年您再雇用 10 名工程师,但仍然只将原来的 10 名工程师用于扩展,那么您现在只花费了预算的 33%。尽管看起来你已经降低了规模成本,但你实际上保持了它不变,这可以支持衡量和报告规模的相对和绝对成本。 Rather than reporting the absolute cost of scale (10 engineers, or $ 1. 2M perannum), we often recommend normalizing the value by the activities that createshareholder value. If you are a Software as a Service platform (SaaS) provider andmake money on a per transaction basis, either through advertising or the charging oftransaction fees, this might be accomplished by reporting the cost of scale on a pertransaction basis. For instance, if you have 1. 2 million transactions a year and spend 1. 2 million in headcount on scale initiatives, your cost of scale would be $1/transaction. Ouch! That’s really painful if you don’t make at least a dollar a transaction! 我们通常建议通过创造股东价值的活动来标准化价值,而不是报告规模的绝对成本(10 名工程师,或每年 120 万美元)。如果您是软件即服务平台 (SaaS) 提供商,并通过广告或收取交易费以每笔交易赚钱,则可以通过报告每笔交易的规模成本来实现。例如,如果您每年有 120 万笔交易,并在规模计划上花费了 120 万名员工,那么您的规模成本将为每笔交易 1 美元。哎哟!如果你每次交易都赚不到至少一美元,那真的很痛苦! Availability is another obvious choice when figuring out what to measure. If yousee a primary goal of scalability initiatives as eliminating scalability related downtime, you must measure availability and report on how much of your downtime isassociated with scalability problems within your platforms or systems. The intenthere is to eliminate lost opportunity associated with users not being able to completetheir transactions. In the Internet world, this most often is a real impact to revenue;whereas in the back office information technology world, it might result in a greatercost of operations as people are required to work overtime to complete jobs whensystems become available again. 在确定要衡量的内容时,可用性是另一个明显的选择。如果您认为可扩展性计划的主要目标是消除与可扩展性相关的停机时间,则必须衡量可用性并报告有多少停机时间与平台或系统内的可扩展性问题相关。这样做的目的是消除因用户无法完成交易而失去的机会。在互联网世界中,这通常会对收入产生真正的影响;而在后台信息技术世界中,这可能会导致更大的运营成本,因为当系统再次可用时,人们需要加班才能完成工作。 Closely related to measuring availability for the purposes of scalability is measuringresponse time of your systems. In most systems, increasing user perceived responsetimes often escalate to brownouts followed by blackouts or downtime for the system.Brownouts are typically caused by systems performing so slowly that most users willabandon their efforts, whereas blackouts are a result of a system that completely failsunder high demand. The measurement of response times should be against an absolute service level agreement (SLA), even if that agreement isn’t published to the endusers. Ideally, the measurement is performed using actual end-user transactions ratherthan proxies for their interaction. In addition to the absolute measurement againstinternal or external service levels, relative measurement against past month valuesshould be tracked over time for critical transactions. This data can later be used tojustify projects if a slowing of any given critical transaction is proven to be tightlycorrelated with revenue associated with that transaction, abandon rates, and so on. 与出于可扩展性目的而测量可用性密切相关的是测量系统的响应时间。在大多数系统中,用户感知的响应时间的增加通常会升级为停电,然后是系统停电或停机。停电通常是由于系统执行速度太慢而导致大多数用户放弃他们的努力,而停电则是系统在高需求下完全失败的结果。响应时间的测量应根据绝对服务级别协议 (SLA),即使该协议未发布给最终用户。理想情况下,测量是使用实际的最终用户事务而不是交互代理来执行的。除了针对内部或外部服务水平的绝对衡量之外,还应针对关键交易随时间跟踪针对过去一个月值的相对衡量。如果任何给定关键交易的放缓被证明与该交易相关的收入、放弃率等紧密相关,则该数据稍后可用于证明项目的合理性。 Engineering productivity and efficiency is another important measurement whenconsidering scalability. Your first reaction may be that these two things have absolutely nothing to do with the scalability of a platform. Consider an organization thatmeasures and improves the productivity of its engineers over time versus that of anorganization that has no such measurements. You would expect that the former willstart to produce more products and complete more initiatives at an equivalent cost tothe latter or that they would start to produce the same at a lower cost. Either of thesewill help us in our scalability initiatives because if we produce more, by allocating anequivalent percentage of our engineering team, we can get more done more quicklyand thereby reduce future scale demands on our engineering team. And if we can producethe same at lower cost, we are increasing shareholder value as the net decrease in coststructure to produce a scalable platform means greater profitability for the company. 在考虑可扩展性时,工程生产力和效率是另一个重要的衡量标准。您的第一反应可能是这两件事与平台的可扩展性完全无关。考虑一个随着时间的推移衡量和提高工程师生产力的组织与没有此类衡量的组织。您可能会期望前者将开始以与后者相同的成本生产更多的产品并完成更多的计划,或者他们将开始以更低的成本生产相同的产品。这些都将有助于我们的可扩展性计划,因为如果我们生产更多产品,通过分配同等比例的工程团队,我们就可以更快地完成更多工作,从而减少对我们工程团队的未来规模需求。如果我们能够以更低的成本生产相同的产品,我们就会增加股东价值,因为生产可扩展平台的成本结构净下降意味着公司的盈利能力更大。 The real trick in figuring out how to measure engineering productivity and efficiency is to split it up into at least two component parts. The first part has to do withwhether your engineering teams are using as much of the available engineering daysas possible for engineering related tasks. To do this, assume that an engineer is available for 200 days/year minus your company’s sick time, vacation time, training time,and so on. Maybe your company has 15 days of paid time off a year and expectsengineers to be in 10 days of training a year resulting in 175 engineering days/engineer. This becomes the denominator within our equation. Then, subtract from thisdenominator all of the hours and days spent “blocked” on issues related to unavailable build environments, nonworking test environments, broken tools or build environments, missing source code or documentation, and so on. It shouldn’t surpriseyou if you haven’t measured such value destroyers in the past to find out that you areonly getting to make use of 60% to 70% of your engineering days. 弄清楚如何衡量工程生产力和效率的真正技巧是将其分成至少两个组成部分。第一部分与您的工程团队是否使用尽可能多的可用工程日来完成工程相关任务。为此,假设一名工程师每年有 200 天的可用时间,减去公司的病假、休假、培训时间等。也许您的公司每年有 15 天的带薪休假,并期望工程师每年接受 10 天的培训,因此每个工程师的工程天数为 175 天。这成为我们方程中的分母。然后,从此分母中减去在与不可用的构建环境、无法工作的测试环境、损坏的工具或构建环境、缺少源代码或文档等相关的问题上“阻塞”的所有时间和天数。如果您过去没有测量过此类价值破坏者,发现您只利用了 60% 到 70% 的工程时间,那么您应该不会感到惊讶。 The second component part of engineering productivity and efficiency is to measure how much you get out of each of your engineering days. This is a much harderexercise as it requires you to choose among a set of unattractive options. Theseoptions range from measuring thousands of lines of code (KLOC) produced by anengineer, to stories produced, function points produced, or use cases produced. Theoptions are unattractive as they all have “failures” within their implementation. Forinstance, you may produce 100 lines of code per engineer per day, but what if youreally only need to write 10 to get the same job done? Function points on the otherhand are difficult and costly to calculate. Stories and use cases don’t really contain ameasure of complexity within their evaluation or use. As such, they all sound like badoptions. But a worse option is to decide not to measure this area at all. Training programs, after all, are intended to help increase individual output, and without somesort of measurement of their effectiveness, there is no way to prove to a shareholderthat the money spent on training was well spent. 工程生产力和效率的第二个组成部分是衡量您从每个工程日中获得的收益。这是一项困难得多的练习,因为它要求您在一组没有吸引力的选项中进行选择。这些选项的范围从测量工程师生成的数千行代码 (KLOC) 到生成的故事、生成的功能点或生成的用例。这些选项没有吸引力,因为它们在实施过程中都存在“失败”。例如,您可能每个工程师每天编写 100 行代码,但如果您真的只需要编写 10 行代码即可完成相同的工作怎么办?另一方面,功能点的计算困难且成本高昂。故事和用例在其评估或使用中并不真正包含复杂性的衡量标准。因此,它们听起来都是糟糕的选择。但更糟糕的选择是决定根本不测量该区域。毕竟,培训计划的目的是帮助提高个人产出,如果没有对其有效性进行某种衡量,就无法向股东证明花在培训上的钱花得值。 Quality rounds out our scalability management measurement suite. Quality has apositive or negative impact on many of the other measurements. Poor product quality can cause scalability issues in the production environment and as a result can increasedowntime and decrease availability. Poor product quality causes an increase in costand a reduction in productivity and efficiency as rework is needed to meet the appropriate scalability needs. Although you obviously need to look at such typical metricsas bugs KLOC in production and per release, absolute bug numbers for your entireproduct, and the cost of your product quality initiatives, we also recommend furtherbreaking these out into the issues that affect scale. How many defects cause scalability (response time or availability) problems for your team? How many do you releaseper major or minor release of your code and how are you getting these to trend downover time? How many do you catch in your quality assurance initiatives versus thosethat are found in production, and so on? 质量完善了我们的可扩展性管理测量套件。质量对许多其他测量有积极或消极的影响。产品质量差可能会导致生产环境中的可扩展性问题,从而增加停机时间并降低可用性。产品质量差会导致成本增加以及生产力和效率降低,因为需要返工才能满足适当的可扩展性需求。尽管您显然需要查看生产和每个版本中的错误 KLOC、整个产品的绝对错误数量以及产品质量计划的成本等典型指标,但我们还建议将这些指标进一步分解为影响规模的问题。有多少缺陷会导致您的团队出现可扩展性(响应时间或可用性)问题?您的代码的每个主要或次要版本发布了多少个代码?您如何让这些代码随着时间的推移而趋于下降?与生产等中发现的质量保证计划相比,您在质量保证计划中发现了多少? #### The Goal Tree 目标树 One easy way to map organizational goals to company goals is through a goal tree. Agoal tree takes as its root one or more company or organizational goals and breaks itdown into the subordinate goals to achieve that major goal. Here, we will use thecomputer science inverted view of a tree, where the root is at the top of the treerather than the bottom. For instance, AllScale may have a goal to “Achieve Profitability by Q1. ” As you can see in Figure 5. 2, this company goal is at the “root” of thetree. Johnny Fixer decides that the two ways he can increase profitability is by creatingmore monetization opportunities and creating greater revenue at a reduced cost base. 将组织目标映射到公司目标的一种简单方法是通过目标树。目标树以一个或多个公司或组织目标为根,并将其分解为从属目标以实现该主要目标。在这里,我们将使用计算机科学倒置的树视图,其中根位于树的顶部而不是底部。例如,AllScale 的目标可能是“到第一季度实现盈利”。正如您在图 5. 2 中看到的,该公司的目标位于树的“根”。 Johnny Fixer 认为提高盈利能力的两种方法是创造更多的盈利机会和以降低的成本基础创造更大的收入。 Johnny determines that quality and availability affect the opportunity to monetizeAllScale’s platform and adds a number of quality and availability goals. One availability goal has to do with scalability (no more than .01% downtime for the quarterdue to scalability), and he also adds a 99.9% adherence to the internal response timeSLAs for the platform. Quality goals are to reduce the number of bugs per push (withmeasurable amounts), reduce the time to verify bugs, increase test suite coverage forregression tests, and have fewer than .15 bugs/KLOC outstanding in production. Johnny 确定质量和可用性会影响 AllScale 平台货币化的机会,并添加了许多质量和可用性目标。其中一个可用性目标与可扩展性有关(由于可扩展性,本季度的停机时间不超过 0.01%),他还增加了 99.9% 的平台内部响应时间 SLA 遵守率。质量目标是减少每次推送的错误数量(可测量的数量)、减少验证错误的时间、增加回归测试的测试套件覆盖率,以及生产中未解决的错误/KLOC 少于 0.15 个。 From a cost perspective, Johnny desires to reduce the cost per thousand pagesdelivered by over 50%. Johnny also wants to impact time to market (TTM), therebydecreasing the cost of delivery, and has specific goals for that. Finally, he desires toincrease his engineering productivity and decides to count both used man days versusavailable man days and KLOC produced per day. 从成本角度来看,Johnny 希望将每千页的交付成本降低 50% 以上。 Johnny 还希望影响上市时间 (TTM),从而降低交付成本,并为此制定了具体目标。最后,他希望提高工程生产力,并决定计算已用工时与可用工时以及每天生产的 KLOC。 #### Paving the Path for Success 为成功铺平道路 So far, we’ve painted the picture of a manager as being equal parts task master, tactician, gardener, and measurement guru. But a manager’s job isn’t done there. Besidesbeing responsible for ensuring the team is up to the job, deciding on the path to taketo a goal, and measuring progress, a manager is also responsible for ensuring that thepath to that goal is bulldozed and paved. A manager who allows a team to struggleunnecessarily over rough terrain on the way to an objective when he can easily pavethe way means reducing the output of the team. This reduction in output means theteam can’t scale efficiently, as less work is applied to the end goal. Less efficiencymeans lower shareholder return for an investment. 到目前为止,我们已经将经理的形象描述为任务主管、战术家、园丁和测量大师。但经理的工作还没有完成。除了负责确保团队能够胜任工作、决定实现目标的路径以及衡量进度之外,经理还负责确保实现目标的道路被推平和铺平。当经理可以轻松地铺平道路时,如果经理允许团队在通往目标的路上不必要地在崎岖不平的地形上挣扎,那就意味着减少团队的产出。产出的减少意味着团队无法有效扩展,因为实现最终目标的工作量减少了。效率较低意味着股东的投资回报较低。 Bulldozed is a rather aggressive term and we don’t mean to imply that a managershould act as a fullback attempting to lay out a linebacker so that a halfback canmake a touchdown. Although that type of aggressive play might be required fromtime to time, employing it all the time will get you a reputation that you’d rather nothave. Additionally, it may be absolutely unacceptable in some cultures. What wemean here is that managers are responsible for removing obstacles to the success ofan organization and its objectives. 推土机是一个相当激进的术语,我们并不是暗示主教练应该充当后卫,试图布置线卫,以便中卫能够达阵。尽管这种攻击性的玩法可能时不时地需要,但一直使用它会给你带来你不想拥有的声誉。此外,在某些文化中这可能是绝对不可接受的。我们这里的意思是,管理者有责任消除组织成功及其目标的障碍。 It is very easy for people to confuse this idea with “anything that stands in my wayis an obstacle to my success and should be removed.” Sometimes, the obstacles inyour way serve to ensure that you are performing the correct functions. For instance,if you have a need to release something to your production environment, you mightsee the quality assurance organization as an obstacle. This observation is at oddswith our definition of obstacle, as the QA organization serves to help you ensure thatyou are meeting the shareholder’s needs for a higher quality product. The obstacle inthis case is actually you and your perception. 人们很容易将这个想法与“任何阻碍我的事情都是我成功的障碍,应该被消除”混淆。有时,你路上的障碍可以确保你执行正确的功能。例如,如果您需要向生产环境发布某些内容,您可能会将质量保证组织视为障碍。这一观察结果与我们对障碍的定义不一致,因为质量保证组织旨在帮助您确保满足股东对更高质量产品的需求。在这种情况下,障碍实际上是你和你的感知。 Obstacles are issues that arise and for which the team is not equipped to handle.Examples might be a failure of a partner to deliver software or hardware in a timeconsistent with your needs or issues in getting testing support or capital to be freedup for a project. The team isn’t working for you but rather with you. You may be thecaptain of the team, but you are still a critical part of its success. Great managersactually get their hands dirty and “help” the team accomplish its goals. 障碍是出现的问题,而团队没有能力处理这些问题。例如,合作伙伴未能按照您的需求及时交付软件或硬件,或者在获得测试支持或为项目释放资金方面出现问题。团队不是为你工作,而是与你一起工作。你可能是团队的队长,但你仍然是团队成功的关键部分。优秀的管理者实际上会亲自动手并“帮助”团队实现其目标。 #### Conclusion 结论 Management is about execution and all of the activities necessary to reach goals,objectives, and vision, while adhering to the mission of the company. It should bethought of as a “judicious and ethical use of means to accomplish an end.” Beinggood at management, as is the case with leadership, requires a focus and commitmentto learning and growing as a manager. Management requires a focus on tasks, people, and measurements to accomplish the desired goals. 管理是关于执行以及实现目标、目标和愿景所需的所有活动,同时坚守公司的使命。它应该被视为“明智且合乎道德地使用手段来实现目标”。与领导力一样,善于管理需要作为一名管理者专注于学习和成长。管理需要关注任务、人员和衡量标准以实现预期目标。 Project and task management is essential to successful management. It includes thedisaggregation of goals into their associated projects and tasks, the assignment ofindividuals and organizations to those tasks, the measurement of progress, communication of status, and resolution of issues. In larger projects, it will include the relationship of tasks to each other in order to determine which tasks should happenwhen and to help determine timelines. 项目和任务管理对于成功的管理至关重要。它包括将目标分解为相关的项目和任务、将个人和组织分配给这些任务、进度的衡量、状态的沟通以及问题的解决。在较大的项目中,它将包括任务之间的关系,以便确定哪些任务应该在何时发生并帮助确定时间表。 People management has to do with the composition and development of organizations and the hiring, firing, and development of individuals. We often spend too muchtime with our underperformers and wait too long to eliminate them from the team.The result is that we don’t spend enough time growing the folks who are truly addingvalue. In general, we need to spend more time giving timely feedback to the individualson our team to ensure that they have an opportunity to create greater shareholdervalue. We also spend a great deal of time interviewing new candidates in total, butoften not enough on a per candidate basis. Too often, our new team members havespent 30 minutes to an hour with six to seven people before a hiring decision is made.Spend enough time with people to be comfortable with welcoming them into your family.Measurement is critical to management success. Without measurements and metrics, we cannot hope to improve, and if there is no hope for improvement, whyemploy people as managers? We gave a number of measurement suggestions in“Measurement, Metrics, and Goal Evaluation,” and we highly recommend a reviewof these from time to time as you develop your scalability program. 人员管理涉及组织的组成和发展以及个人的雇用、解雇和发展。我们经常在表现不佳的员工身上花费太多时间,并等待太长时间才能将他们从团队中剔除。结果是我们没有花足够的时间来培养真正能增加价值的人。总的来说,我们需要花更多的时间向团队中的个人提供及时的反馈,以确保他们有机会创造更大的股东价值。我们还花费了大量的时间来面试新的候选人,但对于每个候选人来说往往不够。很多时候,我们的新团队成员在做出聘用决定之前会花 30 分钟到一个小时与六到七个人相处。花足够的时间与人们相处,以便轻松地欢迎他们加入您的家庭。衡量对于管理成功至关重要。没有测量和指标,我们就不能指望改进,如果没有改进的希望,为什么要雇用人员作为管理者?我们在“衡量、指标和目标评估”中给出了许多衡量建议,我们强烈建议您在开发可扩展性计划时不时审查这些建议。 Managers need to help their team complete its tasks. This means ensuring thatissues are resolved in a timely fashion and helping to ensure that issues don’t arisewhenever possible. Good managers will work to immediately remove barriers to success and great managers keep them from arising in the first place. 管理者需要帮助他们的团队完成任务。这意味着确保问题得到及时解决,并有助于确保问题尽可能不会出现。优秀的管理者会努力立即消除成功的障碍,而优秀的管理者会从一开始就阻止这些障碍的出现。 ##### Key Points 关键点 * Management is the judicious and ethical use of means to accomplish an end. * As with leadership, the pursuit of management excellence is a lifelong goal andas much a journey as it is a definition. * As with leadership, management can be viewed as a function consisting of personal characteristics, skills, experiences, actions, and approaches. Increasing anyaspect increases your management “quotient.” * Project and task management are critical to successful management. Theyrequire the ability to decompose a goal into component parts, determine relationships of those parts, assignment of ownership with dates, and the measurement of progress to those dates. * People and organization management is broken into “seeding, feeding, andweeding:” * 管理是明智且合乎道德地使用手段来实现目标。 * 与领导力一样,追求卓越管理是一个终生目标,既是一个定义,也是一个旅程。 * 与领导力一样,管理可以被视为由个人特征、技能、经验、行动和方法组成的功能。增加任何方面都会增加你的管理“商数”。 * 项目和任务管理对于成功的管理至关重要。它们需要能够将目标分解为各个组成部分,确定这些部分之间的关系,分配所有权和日期,以及衡量这些日期的进度。 * 人员和组织管理分为“播种、喂养和除草” + Seeding is the hiring of people into an organization with the goal of gettingbetter and better people. Most managers spend too little time on the interviewprocess and don’t aim high enough. Cultural and behavioral interviewingshould be included when looking to seed new employees. + Feeding is the development of people within an organization. We can neverspend enough time giving good performance related feedback to our employees. + Weeding is the elimination of underperforming people within an organization.It is almost impossible to do this “soon enough,” though we should feel obligated to give someone performance related feedback first. 播种是指为组织招聘人员,目的是让员工变得越来越优秀。大多数经理在面试过程中花费的时间太少,而且目标不够高。在寻找新员工时,应包括文化和行为面试。 + 喂养是组织内人员的发展。我们永远不可能花足够的时间向员工提供与绩效相关的良好反馈。 + 除草是消除组织内绩效不佳的人员。“足够快”几乎不可能做到这一点,尽管我们应该感到有义务首先向某人提供与绩效相关的反馈。 * We can’t improve that which we do not measure. Scalability measurementsshould include measurements of availability, response time, engineering productivity and efficiency, cost, and quality. * Goal trees are an effective way to map organizational goals to company goalsand help form the “causal roadmap to success.” * Managers are responsible for paving the path to success. The most successfulmanagers see themselves as critical parts of their teams working toward a common goal. * 如果我们不衡量,我们就无法改进。可扩展性测量应包括可用性、响应时间、工程生产力和效率、成本和质量的测量。 * 目标树是将组织目标映射到公司目标的有效方法,有助于形成“成功的因果路线图”。 * 管理者有责任铺平成功之路。最成功的管理者将自己视为团队中为实现共同目标而努力的关键部分。