这篇文章上次修改于 273 天前,可能其部分内容已经发生变化,如有疑问可询问作者。 ### Making the Business Case 制定商业案例 > In war, the general receives his command from the sovereign.—Sun Tzu > 在战争中,将军接受君主的命令。——孙子 So far in Part I, Staffing a Scalable Organization, we have talked about how important it is to choose the right people, get them in the right roles, exercise great leadership and management, and finally establish the right organization size and structure.To pull this all together, we need to talk about the final link in the scalable organization chain. This is how to make the business case for hiring resources, allocatingresources, and staying focused on scalability as a business initiative. In this chapter,we are going to cover these topics and explain some of the reasons that many companies and their executive teams are so reluctant to listen to the lamentations of theirtechnology staff until it is too late. Most importantly we will give you some tips onhow to turn these problems around and become successful at making the properbusiness case for scalability. 到目前为止,在第一部分“为可扩展的组织配备人员”中,我们已经讨论了选择合适的人员、让他们担任合适的角色、发挥出色的领导和管理能力,以及最终建立合适的组织规模和结构的重要性。综上所述,我们需要讨论可扩展组织链中的最后一个环节。这就是如何为招聘资源、分配资源和专注于可扩展性作为业务计划制定业务案例。在本章中,我们将讨论这些主题,并解释许多公司及其执行团队不愿意倾听技术人员的哀叹的一些原因,直到为时已晚。最重要的是,我们将为您提供一些关于如何扭转这些问题并成功制定适当的可扩展性业务案例的提示。 #### Understanding the Experiential Chasm 了解体验鸿沟 It is our belief that a great deal of the problem existing between many general managers and their technical teams is a result of a huge and widening chasm in educationand experience that causes a type of “destructive interference” in communication.The education of the two individuals are often very different with the technical executive likely having taken an increasingly difficult and complex engineering curriculum in college, whereas the general manager might have had a less math intensiveliberal arts undergraduate degree. The behaviors of the two executives may vary withthe technical executive likely having been promoted rightly or wrongly based on hisfocused, somewhat introverted behavior (“put him in a dark room alone and he canget anything done”) and with the general manager being much more extroverted, friendly, and “sales-person like.” The work experience likely varies with the generalmanager having been promoted to her position through closing deals, selling proposals, and making connections. The technical executive might have been promotedeither based on technical brilliance or the ability to get product complete and potentially shipped on time. 我们相信,许多总经理与其技术团队之间存在的很大一部分问题是由于教育和经验方面巨大且不断扩大的鸿沟造成的,这种鸿沟导致了沟通中的一种“破坏性干扰”。两个人的教育通常非常不同,技术主管可能在大学学习了越来越困难和复杂的工程课程,而总经理可能拥有数学强度较低的文科本科学位。两位高管的行为可能会有所不同,技术高管的晋升可能是正确的还是错误的,基于他专注的、有些内向的行为(“把他单独放在一个黑屋子里,他什么也做不了”),而总经理则更加外向。 、友善、“像销售人员”。总经理的工作经验可能会因完成交易、销售提案和建立联系而晋升到其职位而有所不同。技术主管可能因技术才华或完成产品并可能按时发货的能力而得到晋升。 This mismatch in education and experience causes difficulty in communication forseveral reasons. First, with very little in common, there is often little reason outside ofwork specific tasks for the two people to communicate or have a relationship. Theymight not enjoy the same activities and might not know the same people. Withoutthis common bond outside of work, the only way to build trust between the two individuals is through mutual success at work. Success may in the end create a bond thatkindles a relationship that can last through hard times, but when mutual success hasnot yet been achieved, the spark that occurs kindles the opposite of trust; and without trust, the team is doomed. 由于多种原因,教育和经验的不匹配导致了沟通困难。首先,由于两人的共同点很少,因此在工作之外的特定任务中,两个人通常没有什么理由进行交流或建立关系。他们可能不喜欢同样的活动,也可能不认识同样的人。如果没有工作之外的共同纽带,两个人之间建立信任的唯一方法就是通过工作中的共同成功。成功最终可能会建立一种纽带,点燃一种可以持续度过困难时期的关系,但当双方尚未取得成功时,所产生的火花就会点燃信任的反面;没有信任,团队就注定失败。 Second, without some previous relationship, communication does not happen onmutual footing. Questions are often rightfully asked from a business perspective, andthe answers are often given in technical terms. The general manager may for instanceask, “When can we ship the Maxim 360 Gateway for revenue release?” to which thetechnical executive may respond, “We are having problems with the RF modulationand power consumption and we are not sure if it is a software potentiometer or ahardware rheostat. That said, I do not think we are off more than two weeks of theoriginal delivery schedule to QA.” Although the technical executive here gave a fulland complete response, it probably only frustrated the general manager as she likelyhas no idea what a soft-pot or a rheostat is and may not even know what RF is. Theinformation came so fast and was intermixed with so many important, but to hermeaningless pieces of information that it just became confusing. 其次,如果没有某种先前的关系,沟通就不会在相互的基础上进行。问题通常是从业务角度正确提出的,而答案通常是用技术术语给出的。例如,总经理可能会问:“我们什么时候可以发货 Maxim 360 网关以发布收入?”技术主管可能会回应:“我们在射频调制和功耗方面遇到了问题,我们不确定它是软件电位计还是硬件变阻器。也就是说,我认为我们与 QA 的原始交付计划相差不会超过两周。”尽管这里的技术主管给出了全面完整的答复,但这可能只会让总经理感到沮丧,因为她可能不知道什么是软电位器或变阻器,甚至可能不知道什么是 RF。这些信息来得如此之快,并且与许多重要但对她来说毫无意义的信息混杂在一起,以至于变得令人困惑。 This resulting mismatch in communication actually quite often gives way to amore destructive form of communication, which we call destructive interference.Questions begin to be asked in a finger-pointing fashion—for example, “What areyou doing to keep this on track?” or “How did you let it slip a week?”—rather thanin a fashion meant to resolve issues early—such as, “Let us see if together we cannotwork to find out how we can get the project back on the timeline.” This is not to saythat you should not keep and hold high expectations of your management team, butdoing so should not create a destructive team dynamic. It is possible to both have highstandards and actually be a participative, supporting, and helpful leader and executive. 由此产生的沟通不匹配实际上经常让位于更具破坏性的沟通形式,我们称之为破坏性干扰。开始以相互指责的方式提出问题,例如,“你正在做什么来让这件事保持在正轨上?”或者“你怎么让它溜了一周?”——而不是以一种旨在尽早解决问题的方式——比如,“让我们看看我们是否可以共同努力找出如何让项目回到时间表上。”这并不是说您不应该对管理团队抱有很高的期望,但这样做不应造成破坏性的团队动力。有可能既拥有高标准,又实际上成为一名参与性、支持性和乐于助人的领导者和执行者。 #### Why the Business Executive Might Be the Problem 为什么企业高管可能是问题所在 Some questions can be asked to determine if the likely culprit of poor communicationis the business executive. Do not fret; we will give a similar set of questions to pointthe blame at the technology executive. The most likely result is that some amount of fault resides with both, business and technology. Understanding this is a major steptoward fixing the problems and improving communication. 可以提出一些问题来确定沟通不良的罪魁祸首是否是企业高管。不要烦恼;我们将提出一系列类似的问题来将责任归咎于技术主管。最可能的结果是业务和技术都存在一定程度的错误。理解这一点是解决问题和改善沟通的重要一步。 * Has the head of technology been replaced more than once? * Do different people in the technology team give the business the same explanations but they are still not believed? * Do business leaders spend as much time attempting to understand technology asthey have spent learning to read financial statements? * Do the business leaders understand how to ask questions to know whether datesare both aggressive and achievable? * Does the business spend time in the beginning of a product life cycle figuring outhow to measure success? * Do business leaders lead by example or do they point fingers? * 技术负责人是否更换过多次? * 技术团队中的不同人是否给业务提供相同的解释,但仍然不被相信? * 企业领导者花在尝试理解技术上的时间是否与学习阅读财务报表上花的时间一样多? * 企业领导者是否懂得如何提出问题来了解日期是否既积极又可实现? * 企业是否在产品生命周期的开始阶段就花时间思考如何衡量成功? * 企业领导者是以身作则还是互相指责? Chances are that at least one, and likely several, of the preceding points hits home.We do not mean to imply that the business leaders are the only problem. However, ifthey absolutely refuse to accept culpability in the problem, this is a huge warningsign. The best leaders accept that they are at least part of the problem, and we believethat the very best leaders believe that they are the source of most problems. It absolutely may be the case, and often is the case, that other people need to be fired inorder to get the problem fixed. But if the business is constantly hiring and firing technology leaders, at the very least, they owe it to the shareholders to consider themselves part of the problem. 前述观点中至少有一点(也可能有好几点)很可能击中要害。我们并不是要暗示企业领导者是唯一的问题。然而,如果他们绝对拒绝接受问题的罪责,这就是一个巨大的警告信号。最优秀的领导者承认他们至少是问题的一部分,而且我们相信最优秀的领导者也相信他们是大多数问题的根源。绝对可能是这种情况,而且经常是这种情况,需要解雇其他人才能解决问题。但如果企业不断雇用和解雇技术领导者,至少他们应该让股东认为自己是问题的一部分。 To get back on point, however, note how many of the preceding questions can beeasily traced back to education and experience. For instance, if you are getting consistent answers throughout from your team, maybe it is the case that you just do notunderstand what they are saying. There are two ways to resolve that: You can eithergain a better understanding of what it is they are telling you, or you can work withthem to speak a language that you better understand. Better yet, do both! 然而,回到正题,请注意前面有多少问题可以轻松追溯到教育和经验。例如,如果您从整个团队得到一致的答案,也许您只是不明白他们在说什么。有两种方法可以解决这个问题:您可以更好地理解他们告诉您的内容,或者您可以与他们一起说一种您更好理解的语言。更好的是,两者都做! #### Why the Technology Executive Might Be the Problem 为什么技术主管可能是问题所在 For nearly all of the reasons that the business executives are responsible for their ownfrustration with the technology teams, so is the technical executive responsible. She isstanding on the opposite side of the chasm and is participating in the “staring game.”Each is looking at the other and attempting to find ways to communicate effectively,each ultimately falling into the mode of destructive interference that destroys trustand organizations. 几乎所有的原因都是业务主管对技术团队的挫败负有责任,技术主管也同样要对此负责。她站在鸿沟的另一边,参与着“凝视游戏”。双方都看着对方,试图找到有效沟通的方法,最终陷入破坏性干扰模式,破坏信任和组织。 As promised, here are the questions to ask your technology leadership to see howmuch of the communication problem it is responsible for. 正如所承诺的,以下是向您的技术领导层询问的问题,以了解其造成的通信问题有多大。 * Does the technology team provide you early feedback on the likelihood of making key dates? * Is that feedback consistently incorrect? * Is the business experiencing the same problems over and over, either in production or in product schedules? * Does the technology team measure themselves against metrics that are meaningful? * Are the technology choices couched in terms of technical merit rather than business benefit and cost? * Does the technology team understand what drives your business, who yourcompetitors are, and how your business will be successful? * Does the technology team understand the business challenges, risks, obstacles,and strategy? * 技术团队是否会就确定关键日期的可能性向您提供早期反馈? * 该反馈是否始终不正确? * 企业是否在生产或产品计划中反复遇到相同的问题? * 技术团队是否根据有意义的指标来衡量自己? * 技术选择是否以技术优点而非商业利益和成本为依据? * 技术团队是否了解您的业务的驱动因素、您的竞争对手是谁以及您的业务将如何取得成功? * 技术团队是否了解业务挑战、风险、障碍和策略? Just as the business executives have not spent as much time understanding how torun technical projects or how to “speak tech” as the technology leaders have spentlearning to read financial statements, it is also likely that the technical executive hasnot spent a lot of time learning what truly drives your business. To be sure, he probably believes he knows. A good test is to have him define the technology metrics interms of things that are important to your business: revenue, profit, time to market,barriers to entry, customer retention, and so on. It is critical for the technology executive to understand how the business makes money, the drivers of that revenue equation, the current financial reality within the business, and the current year’s financialgoals for the business. 正如业务主管没有花太多时间来了解如何运行技术项目或如何“谈论技术”,而技术领导者花在学习阅读财务报表上的时间一样,技术主管也很可能没有花大量时间来学习什么真正推动您的业务。可以肯定的是,他可能相信他知道。一个好的测试是让他根据对您的业务重要的事物来定义技术指标:收入、利润、上市时间、进入壁垒、客户保留率等等。对于技术主管来说,了解企业如何赚钱、收入方程式的驱动因素、企业当前的财务现实以及企业今年的财务目标至关重要。 In AllScale, as discussed in Chapter 2, Roles for the Scalable Technology Organization, the previous CTO was promoted based on his technical acumen. As the CEOChristine quickly learned, the previous CTO had no business acumen and could notproperly explain the need for purchases or projects in business terms. This frustratedthe remainder of the company’s executives as technology initiatives were never tied tobusiness goals or needs. When other departments were cutting travel to save money,the old CTO was buying extra terabytes of storage area network (SAN) space costinghundreds of thousands of dollars that no one could explain the need for. The oldCTO would rely on the threat of “we either do this or we will die” to get all the otherexecutives in line. Although this worked for the short term, it left all the other executives feeling that something was not right with the decision that had to be forced onthem. Christine quickly saw this situation and put an end to it. She brought on boardthe new CTO, Johnny Fixer, who understands both technology and business. Johnnyin only his first couple of months has been able to put metrics in place that representthe business goals and can explain all of his team’s initiatives in terms of revenue generation or cost cutting. He has definitely been a welcome relief to the executive team. 在 AllScale 中,正如第 2 章“可扩展技术组织的角色”中所讨论的,前任 CTO 的晋升是基于他的技术敏锐度。正如首席执行官 Christine 很快了解到的那样,前任 CTO 没有商业头脑,无法用商业术语正确解释采购或项目的需求。这让公司的其他高管感到沮丧,因为技术计划从未与业务目标或需求挂钩。当其他部门为了省钱而减少出差时,老首席技术官却花费数十万美元购买额外的 TB 存储区域网络 (SAN) 空间,而没有人能解释其必要性。老首席技术官会依靠“我们要么这样做,否则我们就会死”的威胁来让所有其他高管保持一致。虽然这在短期内有效,但它让所有其他高管都觉得不得不强加给他们的决定有些不对劲。克里斯汀很快就看到了这种情况,并制止了这种情况。她任命了新任 CTO Johnny Fixer,他既了解技术又了解业务。约翰尼仅在头几个月就能够制定代表业务目标的指标,并可以解释他的团队在创收或削减成本方面的所有举措。对于执行团队来说,他无疑是一个受欢迎的解脱。 #### Defeating the Corporate Mindset 击败企业思维 Lots of companies claim that technology is a key differentiator, critical to the business, or in military lingo, a force multiplier, but the reality is that many of them,including Software as a Service (SaaS) companies, treat technology as a support service. There are two basic forms that a technology organization can take within abusiness. One is to be a support service where technology supports the business processes of manufacturing, sales, or any number of other business lines. The other formthat technology can take within a business is to be the product for the business, suchas with SaaS, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), hardware product companies, or Web 2. 0 companies. 许多公司声称技术是关键的差异化因素,对业务至关重要,或者用军事术语来说,是力量倍增器,但现实是,包括软件即服务 (SaaS) 公司在内的许多公司将技术视为支持服务。技术组织在企业内可以采用两种基本形式。一种是提供支持服务,其中技术支持制造、销售或任何其他业务线的业务流程。技术在企业中可以采取的另一种形式是成为企业的产品,例如 SaaS、基础设施即服务 (IaaS)、硬件产品公司或 Web 2. 0 公司。 Being a support service and supporting other key business processes is a fine calling. As a technologist, being the product that the business is founded around, whileoften more stressful, is great as well. The terms usually applied to these are cost center for the support service and profit center for the product development organizations. Cost center, as the name implies, is a center or organization that adds cost tothe income statement of a business usually at the Selling General and Administrativeexpense line. A profit center is an organization that derives revenue for the business.The problem arises when one type of company thinks of itself, or worse acts as if, itwere the other type. To understand this more, we need to dive into the two formsdeeper. All different types of organizations require technology support to ensure theirprocesses are efficient and consistent. Today’s manufacturing would be lost withouttechnology from computer numerical control (CNC) machines to ladder logic. Thesetypes of companies and technology departments are hopefully upfront and aware ofhow technology is viewed. It is a support service or cost center that will likely alwaysbe viewed as a cost line item in the budget. No matter how scalable, artful, impressive, or on time the tech is, the best these technology systems and projects can strivefor is a reduction of cost or improvement in efficiency for the business. We label thisview of technology as the “corporate mindset” because most very large corporationswhose primary business is not technology, Corporate America, have this view. 成为支持服务人员并支持其他关键业务流程是一个很好的选择。作为一名技术专家,成为业务赖以建立的产品虽然往往压力更大,但也很棒。通常适用于这些的术语是支持服务的成本中心和产品开发组织的利润中心。成本中心,顾名思义,是一个将成本添加到企业损益表中的中心或组织,通常在销售一般费用和管理费用行。利润中心是为企业获取收入的组织。当一种类型的公司认为自己是另一种类型的公司时,或者更糟糕的是,当一种类型的公司认为自己是另一种类型时,问题就会出现。为了更多地理解这一点,我们需要更深入地研究这两种形式。所有不同类型的组织都需要技术支持来确保其流程高效且一致。如果没有从计算机数控(CNC)机器到梯形逻辑等技术,今天的制造业将会消失。这些类型的公司和技术部门希望能够提前了解如何看待技术。它是一个支持服务或成本中心,可能始终被视为预算中的成本项目。无论技术的可扩展性、巧妙性、令人印象深刻或准时性如何,这些技术系统和项目所能争取的最好结果就是降低业务成本或提高效率。我们将这种技术观点称为“企业心态”,因为大多数主要业务不是技术的大型公司(美国企业界)都持有这种观点。 On the other hand, businesses that were founded on the technology as the producthopefully see things quite differently. In companies such as eBay, PayPal, Amazon,and Google, one would expect that executives view technology as being directly correlated with the revenue and treat them as a profit center. If a new feature isrequested for the system or platform, that feature should be predicated on a changein revenue and a return on investment. These companies should understand in theirDNA that the technology is the business. This should not, however, give the technology team carte blanche to spend any amount or not relate technology projects intobusiness terms; in fact, the opposite is true. These technology leaders owe it to thebusiness to justify and explain themselves just as thoroughly 另一方面,以技术为产品的企业希望以完全不同的方式看待事物。在 eBay、PayPal、亚马逊和谷歌等公司中,人们会期望高管将技术视为与收入直接相关,并将其视为利润中心。如果系统或平台需要新功能,则该功能应以收入变化和投资回报为基础。这些公司应该在他们的 DNA 中明白技术就是业务。然而,这不应该赋予技术团队全权花费任何金额或不将技术项目与业务术语联系起来的权利;事实上,情况正好相反。这些技术领导者有责任向企业提供同样彻底的证明和解释自己的理由 If you are in Corporate America and the business has a corporate mindset abouttechnology, as it does with all other support functions such as human resources andfinance (assuming it is not an HR or CPA services company), the problems are muchmore straightforward. If you want a technology project approved, you know youneed to cost justify it through cost cutting explanations. Although the problem isclear cut, you will certainly have a more difficult challenge convincing your businesspartners that improving the scalability of a particular platform is necessary. In thiscase, you should pay particular attention to the next section where we will providesome mechanisms to help you justify the projects. 如果你在美国企业界,并且企业对技术抱有企业心态,就像人力资源和财务等所有其他支持职能部门一样(假设它不是人力资源或注册会计师服务公司),那么问题就更加简单。如果您希望一个技术项目获得批准,您知道您需要通过成本削减说明来证明其成本合理。尽管问题很明确,但您肯定会面临更困难的挑战,即说服您的业务合作伙伴提高特定平台的可扩展性是必要的。在这种情况下,您应该特别注意下一节,我们将提供一些机制来帮助您证明项目的合理性。 The real challenges with corporate mindset come when it exists in a SaaS or Web 2. 0 company. When the primary business of the company is selling the technologyproduct or service, yet the business leaders think the technology team simply supports their brilliant product ideas or sales initiatives, we have real problems. Thesebusiness executives are the ones who, if they were willing to answer, would answer“yes” to all the questions in the preceding subsection “Why the Business ExecutivesMight Be the Problem.” Unfortunately, these executives are also probably notinsightful or self-reflective enough to think they could be part of the problem andtherefore need to be fixed. Having worked in a few and having been a spectator tomany of these types of environments, our first reaction is to run away. And if you arelucky enough during the interview process to catch a vibe of this, our recommendation is to run away. These are uphill battles that we are getting ready to describe andif you can avoid the confrontation, you are probably better off. We know, however,that this is not always an option for any of us. Sometimes, you find yourself committed before you recognize this problem and you are faced with confronting and fixingit rather than turning your back on it. 当企业思维存在于 SaaS 或 Web 2. 0 公司时,真正的挑战就会出现。当公司的主要业务是销售技术产品或服务,但业务领导者认为技术团队只是支持他们出色的产品创意或销售计划时,我们就会遇到真正的问题。这些企业高管如果愿意回答,就会对前一小节“为什么企业高管可能成为问题”中的所有问题回答“是”。不幸的是,这些高管也可能没有足够的洞察力或自我反思能力,认为他们可能是问题的一部分,因此需要解决。我们曾在一些环境中工作过,并且是许多此类环境的旁观者,所以我们的第一反应是逃跑。如果你足够幸运,在面试过程中感受到了这种氛围,我们的建议是逃跑。我们正准备描述这些是艰苦的战斗,如果你能避免对抗,你的情况可能会更好。然而,我们知道,这并不总是我们任何人的选择。有时,在你认识到这个问题之前,你就发现自己已经做出了承诺,并且你面临着面对和解决它,而不是拒绝它。 To solve the corporate mindset problem, we have seven ideas that you should consider implementing. These are all things that as a technology leader are in your control. Waiting for your colleagues to wake up and realize their deficiencies will notwork. Take responsibility into your own hands and make the organization the type ofplace that you want it to be. Here is the list of ideas: 为了解决企业心态问题,我们有七个建议您应该考虑实施。作为技术领导者,这些都是您可以掌控的事情。等待你的同事醒来并意识到他们的缺陷是行不通的。把责任掌握在自己手中,让组织成为你想要的那种地方。这是想法列表 1. Form relationships 2. Set the example 3. Educate other executives 4. Use the RASCI model 5. Speak in business terms 6. Get them involved 7. Scare the executive team with facts 1. 建立关系 2. 树立榜样 3. 教育其他管理人员4。使用 RASCI 模型5。 6. 用商业术语说话。让他们参与进来7。用事实吓唬高管团队 ##### Forming Relationships 建立关系 One of the best ways to start changing the business executives is to begin forming arelationship with them. As discussed in the section “Understanding the ExperientialChasm” of this chapter, a relationship is the key to communication. Start buildingthose relationships today. Schedule monthly lunches with each member of the executive staff. Spend time over a meal getting to know these team members, their careers,their families, their business challenges. Pay attention and get to know them on multiple levels. Open up and share your background as well; let them get to know you.The best teams in the world spend thousands of hours training with each other andmaybe even living together. When you think of great teams, you probably think ofprofessional sports teams or Navy SEALS or Delta Force. The one thing all of theseorganizations have in common is a set of shared experiences and shared trials createdover thousands and thousands of hours of training time. You aren’t likely to spend asmuch time creating relationships through shared experiences in your entire career asthese teams spend in a single year. The lesson here is that you need to force yourselfto create relationships with the people who are your peers and your boss. 开始改变企业高管的最佳方法之一就是开始与他们建立关系。正如本章“理解体验鸿沟”一节所讨论的,关系是沟通的关键。从今天开始建立这些关系。每月安排与每位管理人员共进午餐。花时间吃饭来了解这些团队成员、他们的职业、他们的家庭以及他们的业务挑战。关注并在多个层面上了解他们。公开并分享您的背景;让他们了解你。世界上最好的团队会花费数千个小时相互训练,甚至可能住在一起。当您想到伟大的团队时,您可能会想到专业运动队或海豹突击队或三角洲部队。所有这些组织的共同点是在数千小时的培训时间中创建的一系列共享经验和共享试验。在整个职业生涯中,您不太可能花费与这些团队在一年内花费的时间那么多的时间来通过共享经验建立关系。这里的教训是,你需要强迫自己与同事和老板建立关系。 ##### Setting the Example 树立榜样 There may be finger pointing or, worse, backstabbing, politics, or gamesmanshipalready existing on the executive staff or between departments. Avoid getting pulledinto this. Be the better person and set the example for how you want to see peopleinteract. Instead of jumping to defend your team, ask the person or group how canwe work together to solve this and learn from it. Pulling a concept from emotionalintelligence, start by asking if they are willing to accept that there is a better way.This is supposed to be a very disarming question that opens people up to discussingalternatives. 行政人员或部门之间可能已经存在相互指责,或者更糟糕的是背后中伤、政治或游戏手段。避免陷入其中。成为更好的人,并为您希望看到的人们互动方式树立榜样。不要跳出来捍卫你的团队,而是询问这个人或团队我们如何共同努力解决这个问题并从中学习。从情商中提取一个概念,首先询问他们是否愿意接受有更好的方法。这应该是一个非常解除武装的问题,可以让人们开始讨论替代方案。 It surely will be tempting for most to jump in and start playing the games, settingeach other up for failure, and defending your actions. Avoid this if at all possible, butremain on strong footing by looking for solutions. The worse case is that you are notable to change the culture and you are eventually another technology executive thatpays the price for the business’s incompetence. Although this seems dire for you andyour career, leaving or being asked to leave a no-win scenario is better in the long runthan sticking it out and ultimately having the business fail, which is a likely outcome. 对于大多数人来说,肯定会很想加入进来,开始玩游戏,让对方失败,并为自己的行为辩护。如果可能的话,避免这种情况,但通过寻找解决方案保持稳固的基础。最糟糕的情况是,你无法改变文化,最终成为另一位为企业无能付出代价的技术高管。虽然这对你和你的职业生涯来说似乎很可怕,但从长远来看,离开或被要求离开一个双赢的局面比坚持下去并最终导致业务失败要好,这是一个可能的结果。 ##### Educating Other Executives 教育其他管理人员 One of the best things that you can do for your colleagues is to educate them abouttechnology and the role it plays in the business. There are many ways that you canaccomplish this. Some of them are covered below in the section below entitled “TheBusiness Case for Scale.” Some other ways include teaching classes on technology. 您能为同事做的最好的事情之一就是向他们介绍技术及其在业务中发挥的作用。有很多方法可以实现这一点。其中一些内容将在下面标题为“规模化商业案例”的部分中介绍。其他一些方法包括教授技术课程。 This can be brownbag sessions over lunch or asking for 15 minutes each staff meeting to discuss a technology subject. The more they understand how things work, howcomplicated, and how different parts affect customers, the more likely they are tobeing sympathetic and understanding when it comes to discussions about technology. 这可以是午餐时的棕包会议,也可以要求每次员工会议有 15 分钟时间讨论技术主题。他们越了解事物的运作方式、复杂性以及不同部分如何影响客户,在讨论技术时就越有可能表示同情和理解。 Another creative way to educate business executives is to invite them for a “technology ride-along.” This concept is similar to what police departments have set upfor private citizens to ride along with them on patrol. Usually, the citizens walk awayfrom this with a renewed respect for the police officers and the incredibly stressfuland tough job that they perform. Hopefully, this is what the business executives willtake away from the evening as well. To most business executives outside of technology, what the technology team and system does is black magic and most likely theyare afraid to ask for fear of looking stupid. Get over this by reaching out to them andinviting them to spend the night alongside you as you release the next version of theproduct or patch bug fixes. As they come in the next morning from being up late,they will likely appreciate the many late nights and intellectually challenging problems that you and your team face on a daily and weekly basis. 另一种教育企业高管的创造性方法是邀请他们参加“技术之旅”。这个概念类似于警察部门为私人公民与他们一起巡逻而设立的概念。通常,民众在离开这里时会对警察以及他们所从事的令人难以置信的压力和艰巨的工作产生新的尊重。希望企业高管们也能从今晚的活动中得到收获。对于技术以外的大多数企业高管来说,技术团队和系统所做的事情是黑魔法,而且很可能他们不敢提出要求,因为担心看起来很愚蠢。通过与他们联系并邀请他们在您发布下一版本的产品或修补错误时与您共度一夜来解决这个问题。当他们第二天早上熬夜回来时,他们可能会欣赏您和您的团队每天和每周面临的许多深夜和智力挑战问题。 ##### Using the RASCI Model 使用 RASCI 模型 As we have covered in Chapter 2, we highly recommend the use of the RASCI modelfor helping define role clarity for initiatives. As a quick review, R is Responsible, A isAccountable, S is Supportive, C is Consulted, and I is Informed. The I is often givenlip service but generally not followed up on as intensely as the other roles. For helping to solve the corporate mindset, we recommend reconsidering the importance ofthe I. Technology initiatives are a great way to involve other business executives byadding them to the list of those to keep informed about a particular project. Weeklyemails, monthly report outs, whatever manner your team deems necessary to keepthis group informed will aid in your initiative to fix the corporate mindset problem. 正如我们在第 2 章中所介绍的,我们强烈建议使用 RASCI 模型来帮助定义计划的角色清晰度。快速回顾一下,R 是负责的,A 是负责的,S 是支持的,C 是咨询的,I 是知情的。我经常只是口头上说说而已,但通常不会像其他角色那样强烈地跟进。为了帮助解决企业思维问题,我们建议重新考虑 I 的重要性。技术计划是将其他业务主管添加到随时了解特定项目的列表中,是吸引其他业务主管参与的好方法。每周电子邮件、每月报告,无论您的团队认为有必要让该团队了解情况的任何方式,都将有助于您主动解决企业思维问题。 ##### Speaking in Business Terms 用商业术语说话 Just because the business has not bothered to learn your native tongue, the languageof technology, does not mean that you should not try to speak in a language that theycan understand. If you have ever traveled internationally and you ran across nativepeople who attempted to speak English in order to make you feel more comfortableand understood, you can relate to how your business counterparts will feel when youstart explaining things in their language. By making the effort to speak the universal language of business, you will earn the gratitude and respect of your business counterparts.Remember our points regarding the maximization of shareholder value. If youhold a technology management or executive position, you are first and foremost amanager or executive of that business. You must learn to speak the language of business and you must also learn what drives your business. You cannot possibly maxi-mize shareholder value if you do not understand the concepts that drive all businessesat a macro level and equally important your business at a micro level. 仅仅因为企业没有费心去学习你的母语,即技术语言,并不意味着你不应该尝试用他们能理解的语言说话。如果您曾经出国旅行,并且遇到过试图说英语以使您感到更舒服和更容易被理解的当地人,那么当您开始用他们的语言解释事情时,您可以体会到您的业务伙伴的感受。通过努力使用商业通用语言,您将赢得商业同行的感激和尊重。请记住我们关于股东价值最大化的观点。如果您担任技术管理或高管职位,那么您首先是该业务的经理或高管。您必须学会讲商业语言,还必须了解是什么推动您的业务。如果您不了解在宏观层面上推动所有业务的概念以及在微观层面上对您的业务同样重要的概念,那么您就不可能实现股东价值最大化。 Translate projects, goals, and initiatives to business metrics such as revenue, customer acquisition, customer retention, and so on. When providing an update on aninitiative, instead of describing the project as “the initiative to shard the database bymod of customer_id,” try describing it as “the database project that will allow thebusiness to double revenue over the next year as the growth projections indicate.”The last description will get them a lot more excited and help them understand it alot better. 将项目、目标和计划转化为业务指标,例如收入、客户获取、客户保留等。当提供一项计划的更新时,不要将该项目描述为“通过 customer_id 的模式对数据库进行分片的计划”,而尝试将其描述为“该数据库项目将允许企业在明年将收入翻倍,正如增长预测所示。 “最后的描述会让他们更加兴奋,并帮助他们更好地理解它。 ##### Getting Them Involved 让他们参与进来 Even better than keeping the business executives informed about major technologyinitiatives, get them involved. Moving them from no involvement to owning projectsis probably not going to happen overnight, but you can start by getting theminvolved. Ask for members from their teams as Cs. The idea is that the more stakesthey have in the projects the more they will be interested and support you. 比让业务主管了解主要技术计划更好的是让他们参与进来。让他们从不参与到拥有项目可能不会一蹴而就,但你可以从让他们参与开始。要求他们团队中的成员担任 C。这个想法是,他们在项目中拥有的股份越多,他们就越感兴趣并支持你。 Another way to get the business executives involved is asking them to mentor yourtop folks. It is always great for technologists to learn about the business, so thisshould not be seen as unreasonable. The dual benefit is that while your key staffmembers get exposure and education from the business leaders, your team membersare teaching the business leaders about technology and keeping them updated onprojects. It is a great win-win situation. 让企业高管参与的另一种方法是要求他们指导你的高层人员。对于技术人员来说,了解业务总是一件好事,所以这不应该被视为不合理。双重好处是,当您的关键员工从业务领导者那里获得接触和教育时,您的团队成员正在向业务领导者传授技术并让他们了解项目的最新情况。这是一个伟大的双赢局面。 ##### Scaring the Executive Team with Facts 用事实吓唬高管团队 Our last idea, when all else has failed and your business colleagues continue to notgive you support for necessary scalability projects, is to use the next outage as anexample of what will happen without a consistent and focused support on scalability.The reality is that if you are not focused on continuous improvements and the scalability of your applications, there will be a downtime event. Crisis is a catalyst forchange. It is easier to get people’s attention and get their support for change if theyhave witnessed or experienced a calamity. 当其他一切都失败并且您的业务同事继续不为您提供必要的可扩展性项目的支持时,我们的最后一个想法是使用下一次中断作为如果没有对可扩展性的一致和集中支持将会发生的情况的一个例子。现实是,如果您如果不专注于应用程序的持续改进和可扩展性,就会出现停机事件。危机是变革的催化剂。如果人们目睹或经历过灾难,就更容易引起人们的注意并获得他们对变革的支持。 Note that this should never be your first choice and in most organizations shouldtruly be seen as a failure for the executive team to make the right calls. The only timethis is an appropriate approach is if all other options have failed. The only way thisapproach will work is if you can show the case over time you’ve been attempting tomake for the need for scale. Additionally, this approach will only work one time. Ifyou are consistently using the “scared straight” method over and over to get yourway, you are in effect Chicken Little claiming that the sky is falling. You are either inthe wrong company or you are the wrong person for the job. 请注意,这永远不应该是您的第一选择,并且在大多数组织中,这确实应该被视为执行团队做出正确决定的失败。只有当所有其他选项都失败时,才是合适的方法。这种方法行之有效的唯一方法是,如果你能随着时间的推移展示你一直试图满足规模需求的案例。此外,这种方法只能工作一次。如果你总是一遍又一遍地使用“吓得直接”的方法来达到自己的目的,那么你实际上就是在声称天要塌下来了。你要么在错误的公司工作,要么你不适合这份工作。 That concludes the list of ideas that you should consider when attempting to remedy the corporate mindset problem. Take notice that these are all actionable and putyou in control. Do not wait for your colleagues to wake up and realize they are partof the problem. Be proactive, take responsibility, and make the organization whatyou want it to be. 以上是您在尝试解决企业思维问题时应考虑的想法列表。请注意,这些都是可行的,并且让您掌控一切。不要等到你的同事醒来并意识到他们是问题的一部分。积极主动,承担责任,让组织成为您想要的样子。 #### The Business Case for Scale 规模化商业案例 So far in this chapter, we have covered why there may be a communication breakdown between you and your business colleagues, perhaps even your boss. Next, wecovered the corporate mindset and why this may be a big problem for your business.Lastly, we provided some ideas on how to change the corporate mindset and get yourbusiness colleagues involved and supportive of your scalability projects. Now thatyou have a clear understanding of why a problem might exist, how this problem cannegatively affect your efforts to build a scalable platform, and what to do about it, itis time to focus on the last piece of the puzzle: the business case for scale. After youhave your boss’ and colleagues’ attention and support, wrap the whole thing up byexplaining in clear business related terminology the need for scalability. In this section, we are going to cover some ideas on how to accomplish this. 到目前为止,在本章中,我们已经讨论了为什么您和您的业务同事甚至您的老板之间可能会出现沟通障碍。接下来,我们介绍了企业心态以及为什么这可能对您的企业来说是一个大问题。最后,我们提供了一些关于如何改变企业心态并让您的业务同事参与和支持您的可扩展性项目的想法。现在您已经清楚地了解了问题可能存在的原因、该问题如何对您构建可扩展平台的努力产生负面影响以及如何解决它,现在是时候关注最后一个难题了:规模化的业务案例。在获得老板和同事的关注和支持后,通过用清晰的业务相关术语解释可扩展性的需求来结束整个事情。在本节中,我们将介绍如何实现这一目标的一些想法。 Your business is unique and therefore your business case will need to be tailoredfor your platform or application. Through these examples, you should hopefully seethe pattern and how you should be able to relate almost any aspect of your application to metrics and goals that the business cares about. The most straightforwardconcept is that downtime equals lost revenue, assuming you are past the early stageof giving away your product and are actually generating revenue. When the site is notavailable, the company does not make money. Simply take the projected revenue forthe quarter or month and calculate what that is per hour or minute. This is theamount associated with the downtime. There are way more complicated methods ofdoing this if you are so inclined, but a simple straight line projection is useful to getthe point across. 您的业务是独一无二的,因此您的业务案例需要针对您的平台或应用程序进行定制。通过这些示例,您应该希望看到模式以及如何能够将应用程序的几乎所有方面与业务关心的指标和目标联系起来。最直接的概念是,假设您已经过了赠送产品的早期阶段并且实际上正在产生收入,那么停机时间就等于收入损失。当网站不可用时,公司就无法赚钱。只需获取该季度或每月的预计收入并计算每小时或每分钟的收入即可。这是与停机时间相关的量。如果您愿意的话,还有更复杂的方法可以做到这一点,但是简单的直线投影对于表达要点很有用。 For a more accurate example of downtime cost calculation, you can use the graphof your site’s normal daily and weekly traffic. Take last week’s traffic graph, assuming last week was a normal week, and put over top of it the traffic graph depictingthe outage. The amount of area between the two lines should be considered the percentage of downtime. This method is particularly useful for partial outages, whichyou should have if you follow our advice in Chapter 21, Creating Fault IsolativeArchitectural Structures. 要获得更准确的停机成本计算示例,您可以使用网站正常每日和每周流量的图表。获取上周的流量图,假设上周是正常的一周,然后将描述中断的流量图放在上面。应将两条线之间的面积视为停机时间的百分比。此方法对于部分中断特别有用,如果您遵循第 21 章“创建故障隔离架构结构”中的建议,您应该会遇到这种情况。  In Figure 6. 1, AllScale’s HRM Outage Graph, the solid gray line is AllScale’s normal day’s traffic and the dashed black line is the traffic from yesterday when there was an outage of the HRM SaaS system. Johnny, the CTO, has requested that hisoperations team pull this graph together in order that they understand the exact customer impact of downtime. The outage began at 4:00 PM and lasted until approximately 9:00 PM when the site was fully recovered. The area between the lines from4:00 to 9:00 PM would be considered the outage percentage and could be used in thecalculation of downtime and cost associated with it. However, notice the dashed linefrom 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM goes much higher than the normal traffic in solid. This istypical of sites for consumer user bases where there is a pent-up demand for the service and a spike usually occurs afterward. Unfortunately, this is a busy time of theyear for AllScale’s HRM system. A lot of its customer base is performing annual evaluations and have tight deadlines for getting their evaluations in the system. Therewere likely many managers that needed to get personnel files uploaded and had tostay up late to get their work done. To most accurately account for the cost of thedowntime, this area, highlighted in dark gray, must be added back into the outagepercentage, because it was recovered revenue or recovered service depending on theactual business model. In this example, the area under the solid gray line is 100% ofthe daily traffic; the area between the solid gray line and dashed black line during theoutage, highlighted in light gray, is approximately 27%. The dark gray highlightedarea is approximately 9%. The percentage of missed traffic and potential revenue dueto the outage would be 27% – 9% = 18% of the daily total. Johnny can now take this percentage and use it to calculate the cost or impact of the outage, although thisdoes not take into account the frustration that AllScale’s customers had to put upwith having the system unavailable during peak work hours. 在图 6. 1 AllScale 的 HRM 中断图表中,灰色实线是 AllScale 正常日的流量,黑色虚线是昨天 HRM SaaS 系统中断时的流量。首席技术官约翰尼 (Johnny) 要求他的运营团队将这张图表放在一起,以便他们了解停机对客户的确切影响。中断从下午 4:00 开始,一直持续到晚上 9:00 左右,此时站点完全恢复。从下午 4:00 到 9:00 的线之间的区域将被视为停机百分比,可用于计算停机时间和与之相关的成本。但是,请注意,从晚上 9:00 到凌晨 12:00 的虚线远高于实线的正常流量。这是消费者用户群网站的典型特征,这些网站对服务的需求被压抑,随后通常会出现峰值。不幸的是,对于 AllScale 的 HRM 系统来说,这是一年中的繁忙时期。它的许多客户群正在进行年度评估,并且将评估纳入系统的期限很紧。可能有许多经理需要上传人事档案,并且不得不熬夜才能完成工作。为了最准确地计算停机成本,必须将这个以深灰色突出显示的区域重新添加到停机百分比中,因为它是根据实际业务模型恢复收入或恢复服务的。在本例中,灰色实线下方的区域为每日流量的 100%;中断期间灰色实线和黑色虚线之间的面积(以浅灰色突出显示)约为 27%。深灰色突出显示的区域约为 9%。由于中断而错过的流量和潜在收入的百分比将占每日总量的 27% – 9% = 18%。 Johnny 现在可以利用这个百分比来计算中断的成本或影响,尽管这没有考虑到 AllScale 的客户不得不忍受系统在高峰工作时间不可用所带来的挫败感。 ##### Amazon Outage 亚马逊停运 As an extreme example of how downtime translates into revenue dollars, let us take a servicesuch as Amazon and see what its downtime costs are. Now, we do not mean to single Amazonout in any negative way because it typically has great uptime and almost any other large Internet service has seen equal or more downtime. But Amazon does make a great case studybecause it is so large and is a public company (NASD: AMZN). 作为停机如何转化为收入的一个极端例子,让我们以亚马逊等服务为例,看看它的停机成本是多少。现在,我们并不是要以任何负面的方式单独批评 Amazonout,因为它通常具有较长的正常运行时间,而几乎所有其他大型互联网服务都经历了相同或更多的停机时间。但亚马逊确实是一个很好的案例研究,因为它规模太大,而且是一家上市公司(NASD:AMZN)。 According to the New York Times technology blog “Bits,” on June 6, 2008, Amazon experienced over an hour outage of its site. Using the expected revenue from Q2 of $4 billion, thiscalculates as a straight line projection to $ 1. 8 million in lost sales per hour. One can make theargument that customers who could not purchase during that hour will come back, but it is alsolikely that they made their purchases elsewhere. Even if the company only ultimately lost 50%or 25% of that revenue, it is still a significant amount. This lost revenue calculation is what youshould be doing for your outages, not only to drive home to your technology team the importance of keeping the system available but also as a fact to help explain to your business counterparts the cost of not investing in the proper people and projects to keep the site availableand scaling properly 据《纽约时报》科技博客“Bits”报道,2008 年 6 月 6 日,亚马逊网站出现了一个多小时的宕机。使用第二季度 40 亿美元的预期收入,可以直线预测每小时销售额损失 180 万美元。有人可以说,在那一小时内无法购买的顾客会回来,但他们也有可能在其他地方购买。即使公司最终只损失了 50% 或 25% 的收入,但这仍然是一个很大的数字。这种收入损失计算是您应该针对中断进行的操作,不仅可以让您的技术团队了解保持系统可用的重要性,而且还可以作为一个事实,帮助向您的业务同行解释不投资合适人员的成本以及保持网站可用并适当扩展的项目 Another approach to capturing platform issues in terms of business metrics is torelate it to customer acquisition cost. If your business spends marketing dollars toattract users to visit the site or sign up, most likely there is a cost associated with eachcustomer acquired. This way, the marketing team can determine which media offersthe lowest cost per user. When the site is down, the marketing spend does not stop—usually these campaigns cannot be started and stopped immediately and very rarelydo people think about this until after the fact. Because the marketing continues, usersare still being lured to the site even though they cannot experience the wonders of theservice. When this occurs, it is very unlikely that a customer will ever show back-upwhen their first experience was terrible. Downtime can be directly responsible for thelost customers during the outage. Extending beyond this, if you keep track of returning users, another metric to look at is how many users stop returning after an outage.If you have 35% of your users returning to the site once per month, watch this metricpost outage. If the numbers drop, you may have just lost those users permanently. 根据业务指标捕获平台问题的另一种方法是将其与客户获取成本联系起来。如果您的企业花费营销资金来吸引用户访问网站或注册,那么很可能会产生与获得的每个客户相关的成本。这样,营销团队就可以确定哪些媒体提供的每用户成本最低。当网站关闭时,营销支出不会停止——通常这些活动不能立即启动和停止,而且很少有人在事后才考虑这一点。由于营销仍在继续,用户仍然被吸引到该网站,即使他们无法体验该服务的奇妙之处。当这种情况发生时,当客户的第一次体验很糟糕时,他们不太可能会表现出支持。停机可能直接对停电期间客户的流失负责。除此之外,如果您跟踪回访用户,另一个需要查看的指标是有多少用户在中断后停止回访。如果您有 35% 的用户每月回访网站一次,请关注中断后的此指标。如果数字下降,您可能会永久失去这些用户。 The last idea for describing the outages or potential for outages in business termsis to translate it to cost within the organization. This can be in terms of operations staff, engineers, or customer support staff, the last being the most immediatelynoticeable by the business. When downtime occurs and engineers and operationsstaff must attend to it, they are not working on other projects such as customer features. A dollar amount can be associated to this by determining the total engineeringbudget for salaries and support and associate the number of engineers and time spenton the outage as a percentage of the total budget. As noted previously, the factor closest to the business would be customer support staff that are either not able to workdue to the support tools being unavailable during the outage or having to handleextra customer complaints during the outage and for hours afterward. For companieswith large support staffs, this amount of work can add up to significant amounts ofmoney. 用业务术语描述中断或潜在中断的最后一个想法是将其转化为组织内的成本。这可以是运营人员、工程师或客户支持人员,最后一个是企业最容易注意到的。当发生停机并且工程师和操作人员必须处理时,他们就无法处理其他项目,例如客户功能。通过确定工资和支持的总工程预算,并将工程师数量和停电所花费的时间与总预算的百分比相关联,可以将美元金额与此相关联。如前所述,与业务最接近的因素是客户支持人员,他们要么由于支持工具在停电期间不可用而无法工作,要么必须在停电期间和停电后数小时内处理额外的客户投诉。对于拥有大量支持人员的公司来说,这项工作量加起来可能会带来大量的金钱。 Although determining the actual cost of an outage may be a painful exercise forthe technology staff, it serves several purposes. The first is that it puts in real dollarvalues what downtime costs the business. This should be helpful in your argumentsfor needing support and staffing for scalability projects. The second purpose is that ithelps educate the technology staff to what it really costs the business to not have theplatform available. This can be a huge motivator to engineers when they understandhow profitability, bonuses, budgets, hiring plans, and so on are all tied togetherdependent on the platform. 尽管确定停电的实际成本对于技术人员来说可能是一项痛苦的工作,但它有几个目的。首先,它将停机时间对企业造成的损失转化为实际的美元价值。这应该有助于您论证可扩展性项目需要支持和人员配备。第二个目的是帮助技术人员了解如果没有可用的平台会给企业带来哪些真正的成本。当工程师了解盈利能力、奖金、预算、招聘计划等如何依赖于平台联系在一起时,这对工程师来说可能是一个巨大的动力。 #### Conclusion 结论 In this chapter, we wrapped up Part I by pulling together the final link in the scalableorganization chain: how to make the business case for hiring resources, allocatingresources, and staying focused on scalability as a business initiative. We covered theexperiential chasm that exists between most technologists and their business counterparts, including most likely the CTO’s boss, and we explored the idea of a businesshaving a “corporate mindset.” We have given some ideas on how to cross the chasmand undo the corporate mindset in order that the business be receptive to the need tofocus on scalability, especially from a people and organizational perspective, whichinclude hiring the right people, putting them in the right roles, demonstrating the necessary leadership and management, as well as building the proper organizationalstructure around the teams. 在本章中,我们通过将可扩展组织链中的最后一个环节整合在一起来结束第一部分:如何为雇用资源、分配资源以及将可扩展性作为一项业务计划保持关注制定业务案例。我们讨论了大多数技术专家和他们的业务同行(很可能包括首席技术官的老板)之间存在的经验鸿沟,并且我们探讨了企业拥有“企业心态”的想法。我们给出了一些关于如何跨越鸿沟并消除企业思维方式的想法,以便企业能够接受关注可扩展性的需要,特别是从人员和组织的角度来看,其中包括雇用合适的人员,将他们置于合适的角色,展示必要的领导力和管理能力,并围绕团队建立适当的组织结构。 ##### Key Points 关键点 In this chapter, we wrapped up Part I by pulling together the final link in the scalableorganization chain: how to make the business case for hiring resources, allocatingresources, and staying focused on scalability as a business initiative. We covered theexperiential chasm that exists between most technologists and their business counterparts, including most likely the CTO’s boss, and we explored the idea of a businesshaving a “corporate mindset.” We have given some ideas on how to cross the chasmand undo the corporate mindset in order that the business be receptive to the need tofocus on scalability, especially from a people and organizational perspective, whichinclude hiring the right people, putting them in the right roles, demonstrating the necessary leadership and management, as well as building the proper organizationalstructure around the teams. 在本章中,我们通过将可扩展组织链中的最后一个环节整合在一起来结束第一部分:如何为雇用资源、分配资源以及将可扩展性作为一项业务计划保持关注制定业务案例。我们讨论了大多数技术专家和他们的业务同行(很可能包括首席技术官的老板)之间存在的经验鸿沟,并且我们探讨了企业拥有“企业心态”的想法。我们给出了一些关于如何跨越鸿沟并消除企业思维方式的想法,以便企业能够接受关注可扩展性的需要,特别是从人员和组织的角度来看,其中包括雇用合适的人员,将他们置于合适的角色,展示必要的领导力和管理能力,并围绕团队建立适当的组织结构。 ##### Key Points 关键点 * There is an experiential chasm between technologists and other business leadersdue to education and experiences that are missing from most nontechnologyexecutive’s careers. * Technologists must take responsibility for crossing over into the business inorder to bridge the chasm. * In order to garner support and understanding scaling, initiatives must be put interms the business leaders can understand. * Calculating the cost of outages and downtime can be an effective method ofdemonstrating the need for a business culture focused on scalability. * 由于大多数非技术高管的职业生涯中缺乏教育和经验,技术专家和其他商业领袖之间存在经验鸿沟。 * 技术人员必须承担起跨界进入业务的责任,以弥合鸿沟。 * 为了获得支持和理解扩展,必须以业务领导者能够理解的方式提出举措。 * 计算中断和停机成本可以是证明注重可扩展性的业务文化需求的有效方法。