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Error: Call to undefined function Drupal\d8module\Batch\entity_delete_multiple

> drupal的批量删除api,entity_delete_multiple,已经被删除 1. 请使用新的api ``` bash $bookManager = \Drupa...

drupal9 使用CustomBookNavigationBlock报错:Call to a member function getCurrentRequest() on null in Drupal\d8module\Plugin\Block\CustomBookNavigationBlock->build()

> 使用CustomBookNavigationBlock,报错:Call to a member function getCurrentRequest() on null in Drupal\...

drupal 禁止匿名用户访问/只允许登录访问

> drupal 禁止匿名用户访问已发布内容 ##### 用户(People)--权限----Node---查看已发布内容,把匿名用户勾掉

drupal 拖动字段报错:PluginNotFoundException: The "hidden" plugin does not exist.

> drupal 拖动字段报错:PluginNotFoundException: The "hidden" plugin does not exist. 报错信息: ``` bash ...

drupal 缓存过大,占用数据库过多设置

> 最近买了个php空间,数据库空间只有可怜的100m,所以只好把缓存放到php文件里面。 安装网站前,设置drupal-8.9.15/ sites/ default/ default.s...