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PHP json_decode()解析json,long类型解析出错

>php json.decode 解析的json字符串里面有long类型数字,会溢出,使用下面 JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING避免 ##### 错误: ```php j...

drupal9 使用CustomBookNavigationBlock报错:Call to a member function getCurrentRequest() on null in Drupal\d8module\Plugin\Block\CustomBookNavigationBlock->build()

> 使用CustomBookNavigationBlock,报错:Call to a member function getCurrentRequest() on null in Drupal\...

mount nfs报错:mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

> mount -t nfs /www/wwwroot/data 报错:mount.nfs: access denied by ...

debian root登陆openssh 报错:Permission denied, please try again.

> debian 开启ssh和root登陆, ##### 安装openssh ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt install openssh-s...