搜虎博客 - 道德当身,故不已物惑



1.日志采集 2. 分布式,集群 3.zookeeper,docker,linux 4.机器学习,是建模和算法 5.tensrflow,jupyter 6.日志采集flume,kafk...

swagger ui 3.0 maven获取

###swagger ui 没有正式发布,需要获取的话,指定官方snap仓库 ``` jcenter-snapshots jcente...

idea 破解最新版

####idea 破解最新版方法 首先下载java agent jar 破解补丁 ,http://idea.lanyus.com/ ``` -javaagent:~/Tools/Jet...

java.sql.SQLException: Field 'ID' doesn't have a default value

###报错:java.sql.SQLException: Field 'ID' doesn't have a default value 这个mysql中没有设置Auto Incresem...

mvn clean install java 找不到kotlin的类java cannot find symbol of kotlin

### java cannot find symbol of kotlin ``` [ERROR] COMPILATION ERROR : [INFO] ---------------...

linux Read-only file system的问题

用mount 命令解决 ```bash mount -o remount rw / ```

linux java 8 和java 11 共存切换

###linux下切换java8 和java11 ,首先更改.bashrc,将PATH变量保存到PATHX中 ```bash PATHX=$PATH ``` 然后分别创建useJava8...

java 快捷生成属性的 getter setter

放到live template---java里面,然后保存为gs,在idea中打出gs就出来了 ```java $END$ private $Type$ $name$; public...

kafka报错: ommit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions

##### Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitio...