debian 宝塔挂在windows 共享文件夹--CIFS协议
1.安装cifs-utils ```bash su root apt update apt install cifs-utils ``` 2. 创建文件夹并挂载,注意替...
mount nfs报错:mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
> mount -t nfs /www/wwwroot/data 报错:mount.nfs: access denied by ...
debian root登陆openssh 报错:Permission denied, please try again.
> debian 开启ssh和root登陆, ##### 安装openssh ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt install openssh-s...
manjaro archlinux 安装 sublime
>manjaro archlinux 安装 sublime ```bash curl -O https://download.sublimetext.com/sublimehq-pub....
pacman mirror 寻找最快镜像
1 sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5 && sudo pacman -Syyu or 2.sudo pacman-mirrors -i -c China -...
manjaro/ linux 安卓模拟器genymotion
>最进想在linux使用安卓模拟器,安装象棋app下象棋。那么安装genymotion吧,首先去官网注册个帐号https://www.genymotion.com/ ,然后用git 安装即可 ...
arch linux 检查大文件
>一般情况下,打文件都在/home/username/下,经过我发现:/home/shenfeng/.local/share 这个文件夹比较大。这个文件一般是一些用户数据,比如邮件。还有回收箱数...
linux 磁盘不足,挂载磁盘
>最近使用archlinux 报磁盘不足,还好我有一个打磁盘,不是ssd,也可以用了 ```bash sudo -i fdisk -l #查看所有的磁盘 mkfs.ext4 /dev...
androidx 使用MagicIndicator报错:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.lucode.hackware.magicindicator.MagicIndicator
>使用MagicIndicator报错:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.lucode.hackware.magicindicator.MagicInd...
android 启动AVD报错:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough disk space to run AVD 'Nexus_5X_API_29_x86'. Exiting...
>安卓启动AVD报错:Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough disk space to run AVD 'Nexus_5X_API_29_x86'. Exi...