搜虎博客 - 道德当身,故不已物惑


manjaro 安装googlepinyin报错:**Cannot find `gtk-query-immodules` for gtk 3** qt4,qt5

**Cannot find `gtk-query-immodules` for gtk 3** **Cannot find fcitx im module for gtk ...

No rule to make target 'modules'. Stop.

# manjaro make make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/modules/4.19.12-2-MANJARO/build' make[1]:...

com.netflix.hystrix.exception.HystrixRuntimeException: UserClient#listById(List) failed and no fallback available.

#### 最近spring cloud 报错:com.netflix.hystrix.exception.HystrixRuntimeException: UserClient#listById...

X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 20 (X_GetProperty)

Manjaro i3 error X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of ...

kafka报错:Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member

kafka报错: org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CommitFailedException: Commit cannot be completed sinc...

惠普G735 G5 ERROR unable to locate a bios rom ,Fetal error during GPU init

#### 搞了半天原来禁用Legency boot就好了

linux 启动报错dev/sda1: clean, 552599/6111232 files, 7119295/24414464 blocks

#### ev/sda1: clean, 552599/6111232 files, 7119295/24414464 blocks 解决办法,这个因为没有正确生成fstab导致的,重新用u盘...

在win10 的基础上安装arch linxu + i3 桌面UEFI

1. rufus 制作u盘 2.进入arch提示/dev/disk/by-label/arch-201901' device did not show up after 30 seconds ...

/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/normal.mod not found

/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/normal.mod not found 用windows pe 的bootice 软件修复下就好了

Majaro i3 install google pinyin

```bash sudo pacman -Sy sudo pacman -S fcitx fcitx-configtool fcitx-googlepinyin vim ~/.pr...