《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 13 Joint Architecture Design 第十三章联合架构设计
###Chapter 13Joint Architecture Design 第13章联合架构设计 > Thus it is that in war the victorious stra...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 12 Exploring Architectural Principles 第12章探索架构原理
### Chapter 12 Exploring Architectural Principles 第12章探索架构原理 > He wins his battles by making...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 11 Determining Headroom for Applications 第 11 章确定应用的余量
### Chapter 11 Determining Headroom for Applications 第 11 章确定应用的余量 > Knowing the place and t...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 10 Controlling Change in Production Environments 第10章控制生产环境的变化
### Chapter 10 Controlling Change in Production Environments 第10章控制生产环境的变化 > If you know nei...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 9 Managing Crisis and Escalations 第 9 章 管理危机和升级
### Chapter 9 Managing Crisis and Escalations 第 9 章 管理危机和升级 > There is no instance of a coun...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 8 Managing Incidents and Problems 管理事件和问题
### Managing Incidents and Problems 管理事件和问题 > Again, if the campaign is protracted, the reso...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 7 Understanding Why Processes Are Critical to Scale 了解为什么流程对于扩展至关重要
### Understanding Why Processes Are Critical to Scale 了解为什么流程对于扩展至关重要 > After that, comes tact...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 6 Making the Business Case 制定商业案例
### Making the Business Case 制定商业案例 > In war, the general receives his command from the sovere...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 5 Management 101 管理101
### Management 101 管理101 > In respect of the military method, we have, firstly, ...
《可扩展的艺术》Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Leadership 101 领导力 101
### Chapter 4 Leadership 101 第 4 章 领导力 101 > A leader leads...